Chapter Thirteen🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the thirteenth chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:After a few days, exams were finally over! Yes I was slightly glad about it because I wouldn't have to stress myself reading and staying awake all night trying to battle my books

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Taliha's POV:
After a few days, exams were finally over! Yes I was slightly glad about it because I wouldn't have to stress myself reading and staying awake all night trying to battle my books. On the last day, everyone was so happy and we came out of the hall smiling. The exam wasn't so bad like I predicted, a computer course for beginners like us...I didn't do much thinking to answer the questions.

Halimah and I later met at the fields, I was actually heading to the cafe as always until she saw me.

"So tell me, how were your exams so far?"

"To be honest, they turned out good. I didn't find it so hard like I expected them to be...."

Halimah chuckles softly before saying, "First year exams are always less tedious, I can say you guys are still enjoying your first year."

"Enjoying? Our Physics and chemistry exams were no joke, they were hard."

"Even so...when you get to higher levels, you will understand what I am saying now."

Halimah could be right about that, I wonder how her exams turned out.

"I hope you wrote well too."

"Well I can say I did my best, I leave the rest to Allah."

I nodded with a slight smile, at least she has faith.....that's important.

"Anyways, where were you heading to before Tal?"

"I wanted to eat a while ago."

"Wow, that's great"

Great?, How great is spending money on expensive food everyday? It's only great to eat good food if you have enough pounds to eat whatever you want.

"How about we eat a dish together? The most expensive dish you could think of."

Wait, what is Halimah planning?

I gave her a close look wondering if she won a jackpot or something. For her to say expensive, it means we are going to the royal Cafe today...splendid!

We walked into the cafe like the rich kids do, we held our faces up with a smile. We are going to do crazy things after exams, ha!

"So what are we ordering today Halimah?"

"We are going to use both our money to get an expensive dish here." She suggested and continued with a soft voice, "I have always wanted to come here."

She walks forward to the counter and we used our money to buy a large Italian taco sandwich, a chicken casserole and a sweet grape wine to go!

It's crazy...but we were having so much fun. I just watched her order all the meals we needed. The next minute, we were surrounded by the delicious foods on the table. As we took the first bite of the taco sandwich, we were amazed by its delicious taste. Then we poured fruit juice into our wine glasses and we hit the glasses together with one word "Cheers." We ate well and drank the juice continuously, it was so good. Students strode passing our table and they always stared at us as they left.

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