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Taliha, my only child.

A special child, a unique child.

A bundle of joy to her parents, my beloved husband and me.

As she was welcomed into the world, my husband performed the customary Islamic rites that are typically performed for every newborn.

He fed Taliha dates, just as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had instructed in the past.

I felt blessed and joyful because I had finally become a mother.

Alhamdulillah for life.

My husband stood beside me with a barely visible grin. He was the great man with whom I fell in love.

After the safe delivery, our Iman named our daughter Taliha, which means "One Who Seeks Knowledge". Initially, we couldn't understand the reason for her name, but we gradually noticed her insatiable appetite for books and learning.

However, things changed after she was born. She was supposed to be healthy and function like other children.

What if she isn't like other children?

I appreciated that Taliha was a quiet and well-behaved child, except when her activities were interrupted.

But I never perceived it as a problem or a disorder, perhaps.

When she turned six months old, some of her unusual behaviors became noticeable.

She was playing with a pile of plastic blocks that she had set up, her mind very focused on the task at hand. While I was busy cleaning the home appliances in the living room.

Suddenly, Jamal entered the house with a cheerful demeanor. He greeted me warmly as usual and went off to play with Taliha. He tried to make her laugh by tickling her.

To his surprise, she rarely smiled or looked at him. It took a while before she even glanced at him. Then he stroke her head trying to get her attention.

"Taliha, your father is home." I announced with a sweet smile.

Jamal stood up with a disappointed expression. I knew that he felt awful about Taliha's behaviour. He stepped in front of me before I could reach out to our daughter.

"Şekerim(My Dear)..." He mentioned with a steady gaze on me. "have you not noticed our daughter's behavior lately?"

"But what do you mean, Jamal?" "There is nothing wrong with our daughter."

I countered skeptically, furrowing my eyebrows.

Then, I lifted our daughter into my arms and he furrowed his brow.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, maybe she is shy." "You saw the way she reacted when her father-in-law tried to hold her arm a few months ago. She is still very young."

He sighed and agreed with my judgment.

"Well, it's alright. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower, okay? Work was hectic today."

After responding with a forced nod, he walked away from me and began removing his police uniform. I sighed nervously.

Alhamdulillah, he isn't upset anymore.

The relief I felt was sudden and intense.

I looked at my peaceful daughter, who was clapping her hands, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

I felt scared about the future.

What would this child become?

Is this just a phase?

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