Chapter Twenty-Two🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the Twenty-second chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:I am pacing in my room from side to side slowly

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Taliha's POV:
I am pacing in my room from side to side slowly.

Am I busy?

Well no, I am not.

But my brain is thinking, and I am not in the same world as other humans at this point.

My arms are folded with one hand fisted, and my head is facing up like a mastermind trying to aim at something big.

Well yes, I seek to achieve something great. I want to start a new novel but I need a new storyline, a better one.

Initially, I wasn't a skilled writer of novels and books. But my philosophy about life made me develop an interest in storytelling. I was a seeker of endless truths and theories, the logical way.   

I often write books mainly to inspire people and make the world see what I see. I usually wrote anything imagined in my mind because I preferred the virtual world to the real world.

I was criticized by most of my peers when I began writing my first book.

But I strived and trained myself to improve my writing skills. I loved learning, so I succeeded in studying some writing aids by renowned authors around the world.

When I published it online, people started reading it.

I was determined to continue my passion at all costs.

Eventually, my books became outstanding but they didn't know who I was because I kept my profile a secret.

Even after my devasting past, I wrote blogs and books for years and I enjoyed my works. But I couldn't form a bond or emotional connection with any of my online friends or followers.

Since it's a weekend today, I have an entire day to worry less about social anxiety.

So, I sit on a swivel chair attempting to learn new things on the internet.

I click on a YouTube channel to watch some news, then a video starts loading and I stare at some African people who were mistreated by some armed men.

I couldn't react to the whole scene even though it was an awful thing to watch.

The mistreated people happened to be Muslims and no one saved them.

If I had a sense of feeling others' pain, I would have felt deeply sad.

The fact that people got hurt for no reason was irrational and I was upset about it. They were hurting their people.

We are Muslim, aren't we supposed to be known for peace?

Truly, killing was inhuman.

Allah doesn't permit killing people, except for a just reason.

I mentioned in my mind while clicking a button to finish the video.

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