Chapter Seven 🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the seventh chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:I remember my first day in class

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Taliha's POV:
I remember my first day in class. The minute I stepped into the building, the attention of students was on me.

The Guys were looking at me. Surely I was an admirable figure.

But, being nerdy...wasn't their taste.

I started reciting some words silently while taking slow steps.

Subhanallah, walhamdulilah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar, I chanted silently.

I was holding my glasses like it was going to fall off soonest, which was impossible.

Eventually, a group of boys passed by and caught a glimpse of my face. Hence, they stopped in amazement.

"Wow, that girl looked bloody beautiful. Isn't she, Freddy?"

One of the guys asked and the other guy nodded with a smile.

"Yeah Nelson, she was very adorable and pretty."

To be honest, they had nice British accents.

I wasn't a full citizen of the UK. So, hearing it was kinda pleasant to the ear. But I was so frustrated with the fact that they couldn't mind their business and walk away.

Must they talk?!

I never realized that they were admiring me, as always.

"However, I can perceive that she isn't like the other girls in our school. I mean...I haven't seen her before." Nelson wondered with his stare at me.  

Freddy said with a shrug, "Well, I think she is new here."

"If it's true then, we should get to know her." Freddy suggested and Nelson chuckled softly.

"Oh yeah. Maybe, you are right buddy, I mean it sounds like fun to me."

They loved the idea a lot. And finally, they left howling with laughter.

Meanwhile, I strode ahead while pressing my books to myself like glue. I was so hurried like someone was after me.

Well, don't blame me for my awkwardness. I was barely anxious on my first day.

And now, it's a new week. I am forced to adapt more in my school.

Before heading to school, I recited a surah after performing my fajr prayer as always, Surah Fussilat.

It's a nice surah with wise words to ponder. Especially some verses that usually caught my eye.

'In the case of those who say; our Lord is Allah" and further, stand straight and steadfast, the angels ascend on them from time to time, they suggest 'fear not nor grieve but receive the glad tidings of the garden of bliss which you were promised. We are your protectors in this life and the Hereafter, a hospitable gift from the Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. Who is better in speech than one who calls Allah, works righteousness and says 'I bow in Islam.'

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