{Book Two} 102 | Trojan

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She never got to finish her sentence, because he swooped down and kissed her, and then pulled back. His kiss was slow and deep and calming, and then it became more. He reached for the hem of her nightgown, and she shoved at the band of his boxers. Moving forward—

A knock on the front door stilled them. Her eyes shot to his as she held on to his hips, his waist between her legs. He had her nightgown above her thighs.

"Whoever it is will go away," he gritted.

"We're still asleep." She lifted her head to his, kissing him. His groan reverberated through her. He went for her hem again, and she yanked on his bottoms as she arched her back. His hands, his gaze slowly—

The knock came again, this time followed by the muffled voice of Zoe. "Hey, guys!"

Amir sighed, letting out a soft groan. He dropped his head to her shoulder. "We didn't hear anything."

"Not a peep." Luna let go of his boxers, folding her arms around his chest.

"She can't stay out there." Amir's lips coasted over her cheek. "She'll get bored."

No, but she could keep knocking until someone answered the door.

Amir's eyes shifted to Luna. "You're right," he murmured after hearing her thoughts.

Luna reached forward, cupping his jaw. "You have a point. It's hot, so I'm sure she'll leave."

"She has to." He kissed her again, pressing her body gently into the bed. "It's just you and me."

"Just us," Luna whispered.

"General Davenport sent me!" Zoe's voice boomed, louder this time as if she shuffled toward the window. "He wants to talk to you two, and he hates waiting." A pause. "It shouldn't take long."

Amir groaned.

A quiver crept up Luna's throat. "I think she may camp out there if we don't join her."

"I think you're right." He lifted his head and then yelled, "Thank you. We'll be right out."

Luna's brows lifted. "So, we don't have time to . . . canoodle?"

Amir looked down at her, eyebrows raised and his eyes slightly wide. "Moon . . ."

Before a burst of laughter rolled through her mouth, he claimed her lips with a sealed kiss, followed by another and another. It was rather alluring when he'd whisper her nickname, and it was even better when he'd silenced her laughs with his taste.

In his kiss, she was home.

• • •

Off in the distance, a mansion loomed. The corners of the walls were beautifully carved, with an exterior made with complete care. It was the first thing she noticed after she and Amir met Zoe, who was standing on the sidewalk. There was something unnerving about seeing a home of that size well-structured, and it caused her to remember how preserved Dr. Kim's home had been before they escaped. Those memories were ingrained into her brain, even if she didn't care for them. 

"Good morning," Amir said, opening the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"That's okay. I'm sure you two wanted to sleep in." Zoe rose from the wooden swing she'd been sitting on, one hand on the rail, the other clutching a floppy, tanned hat. While she didn't look remotely comfortable, Luna thought she still looked adorable in a simple pink dress with short sleeves. "If it were up to me, I would've let you have more time to yourself, but when Davenport orders something, we have to follow him."

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