🍋Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship

Start from the beginning

"What?" Chouri said in anger at Asmodeus' words.

"Honestly, you're like one of these honourable and reasonable authority figures who preach and preach about being good and kind above all others, abiding by the law and doing things this in the most honourable way possible. Seriously, you're such a child." Asmodeus called him with a chuckle as Chouri and Spear looked at him in anger.

"You take that back, you jerk or I'll-" Spear is interrupted when Asmodeus glared at him with a killing intent, daring her to say something against him.

"Or what? Can't let me tell the truth?" Asmodeus said before looking at Chouri again and said, "Chouri, Chouri, Chouri. There was a time when you were a competent authority figure and everyone loved you for your honourable ways of doing things. You abide by the law, you remained faithful and your hands are so clean that you take so much pride in your purity that you have these holier-than-thou attitude."

This made Chouri feel aghast at his claim as Asmodeus continued.

"But that is not how the real world works. We lived in a world where people sold their children to slavery, war comes at every corner in the Capital and the many, many corrupt fools are perpetuating it for money and power. The nobility have all been committing all acts of horrible actions, like raping, murdering, bribing, slavery, sadistic torture and horrifying games that even include fucking a baby." Asmodeus list that one as Spear could almost puke at his words.

"You said that killing people is only for the savage and how unnecessary it is of the bloodshed they caused. And yet, you really, really, really think that you don't want to see this horrible vermin to be wiped off from the fate of existence as they continue to live while good people like you... die. Is that it? Hmmm? Was I wrong of everything I say? Go ahead, child. Say it? Say that I'm wrong? Say that you refused to bow down to me is because I'm a demon and no matter what, you refused to bow down to me because as a demon, I am seen as evil despite of the fact that the people I have killed, tortured and mutilated are far worse than that. How can you even choose them over me when they have committed all these unnecessary evil of debauchery and cruelty? Go ahead, child. Explain your fucking reason. Now." Asmodeus finally end his piece as Chouri continue to glare at him.

However, Chouri's features suddenly softened as the realization suddenly washed over him.


He heard what Asmodeus said as Chouri continue to grit his teeth in frustration.


Then his eyes started to water as his knuckles started to go white as he gnashed his teeth in frustration even more.


"I DON'T KNOW!" Chouri finally said as he yelled at Asmodeus who then looked at the former Prime Minister with an acceptable look, "I... I don't know... I don't even know what was I even thinking of going into the Capital and thinking that it would be safe. I know Honest like the day he usurped my position as Prime Minister. It was a mistake for me to retire. Even more so when I have to rely on my daughter for protection of all things."

"Father...." Spear said in a sympathetic manner to him, trying to assure him.

"No, Spear. Forgive me for this but as much as I am proud of your choice in being a martial artists of the Imperial Fists, I don't want to see my daughter be killed. Because what kind of father I am when I can't protect my own children and instead, they die protecting me. What kind of father was that?" Chouri said in a saddened tone as Spear looked at him in sympathy.

Asmodeus just continue to look at the former Prime Minister and his daughter with a passive look. Until he started wiping something from his left eye.

Chouri stopped crying right now before looking at Asmodeus once again and said, "What is it that you want from me?"

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