Chapter (56): Heavy Tears

Start from the beginning

Wren grabbed her dress shirt and started buttoning it up then she remembered Elise's words about telling Madeline the truth and her doubts about what happened that very night. She pulled out her blazer from the wardrobe and took back her keys and left the house ready to do the one thing that scared her the most.


Madeline entered the café and looked around for Nate but someone tapped her shoulder and she turned to the source and smiled when she saw Nate flashing her his smile.

"Looking for me already?" She chuckled and opened her arms for him as they hugged.

They headed to the empty table near the window and sat across from each other. Madeline placed her bag on the ground and he pulled out his phone and placed it beside him on the table.

"So..." started Madeline. "What's so urgent? You got me a tad worried."

His wide smile shrunk a little but it remained on his face. "Let's order something first and I'll tell you."

She grinned at him and softly replied. "Sure."

"What would you like to have? It's still sunny though."

"Are you implying to have a heavy drink at this hour?" She joked and he smirked.

"Heavy drink? Me? Nah. I'm a lawyer, I should be sober."

"You better be."

He chuckled at her warning tone. "So you're having...?"

"Mmmm, I'm having a regular coffee. I still have work to do, so I for sure gonna need the caffeine."

"Then coffee it is and... I'll have the same."

He called the waiter and he came to take their orders then left. Nate turned to Madeline as she stared out the window sadly.

"Madeline, are you okay?"


"I said are you okay?"

"Yeah... yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She plastered a fake smile on her face.

He sighed internally. "Madeline, how long have I known you?"

"Three years."

"And three years are enough for me to know when you're lying about something. I know there's something going in that head of yours."

She sighed and leaned back against the chair. "I had a fight with Wren last night. We aren't doing great right now."

"Do you know why?"

"No." She stared at the table. "But I know when there's something upsetting her, she shuts herself out from the people who care about her and every time I try to talk with her, she just... leaves."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Can we change the topic please? I don't want to talk about her now."

"Yeah, as you wish, but can I tell you something... about Wren?"

She met his eyes and nodded slowly as he smiled.


In the meantime, Wren was walking to Madeline's office and she reached it, opened the door but found no sight of her. She entered the office and looked around for Madeline's stuff but her desk was empty.

"Hey." said Antony holding his tablet.

Wren turned around to Antony and gave him a small smile. "Hey, Antony. Where's Madeline?"

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