He Proposed

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It was already the DAY. That is, my birthday. I never knew Antonio was serious about throwing me a party even though we discussed it, but he surprised me. I was really confused on a lots of things, like what to wear, how to talk to people I've never met before.

And then Antonio came to by rescue, he bought a lovely off-shoulder jumpsuit. It was a flowered one with black and red paintings, it was absolutely fantastic and I admired it. He also bought a shiny black high heels with some matching black earrings and necklace. Antonio was dressed in a black suite with red tie, he left the jacket buttons undone.

The party was going on smoothly, and Antonio kept introducing me to some of his friends as his 'wife-to-be"

"Samrat" He said walking towards an old man with his hands in mine, maybe the man was in his sixties. Apart from the name you could tell he was an Indian guy cause of his appearance.

"Oh, Antonio" I could hear the man was happy to see Antonio.

"Yes Sir. It's been long"

"It sure has"

"Yes. This is my wife-to-be" I stretched my hand out for a shake.

"Oh, wow. That's amazing" He said shaking my hand back.

"This is Mr.Samrat Vashari, his a friend and the owner of the biggest hotels in this country"

"That's really nice" I said friendly.

"Oh please" He said with a smile. "You have good taste in women" He teased Antonio.

"It's something I have only with her" Antonio said giving me a kiss.

"We will be back" Antonio said walking out with me.

"I'm tired already" I complained to him.

"We've only talked to two guest. Why are you so lazy?"

"Who's lazy?" I asked him with a straight face.

"What?. No, it's not you. Definitely not you" He said acting like he was sacred of me.

"Tana!" I heard Antonio's mum voice. I turned around quickly.

"Mummy" I said like a child running into her arms.

"How are you doing?" She asked Looking at me from head to toe.

"Am good and you?" I answered her.

"Am excellent" She said still looking at me from head to toe.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked nervous.

"No, am just checking if you went sexier or hotter"

Antonio burst into laughing with his dad who stood beside his mum.

"Mum, she's both" Antonio said with a proud look.

"Forget about that" Antonio's dad said pulling me to a hug.

"I've missed both of you" I said.

"We've missed you more that we've started praying for you to give us a baby so that you would stay with us" Antonio's dad said and this time it was his mum who burst into laughing.

"Or it's just you, cause you miss your darling daughter-in-law" Mum said.

"This is why I don't trust you with secrets" Dad said.

"Mum, dad we will be back" Antonio said dragging my arm.

"Where are we going to exactly?"I asked him.

"Just come" He said.

"Stay here and don't move, I have a surprise" He said walking away.

"Ladies and gentlemen" I heard someone say and at that moment a blue light shone on someone. I didn't recognise the person at first but then it dawn to me that it was Stephen. I also didn't recognise there was a stage there .

People started gathering around.

"Today we've all come to celebrate a precious jewel, someone who has made a man heart skip millions of beat and still be alive, the first lady he ever loved or kissed" As he said every word, I kept on blushing and blushing cause I know he was definitely referring to me.

"This guy wants to perform something special for that wonderful lady" Stephen said as he walked away. The lights suddenly went off, everywhere dark including the stage, people already stated whispering and murmuring.

A piano started playing slowly and everyone was looking around to find the source. Then there was a light at the side, everyone looked to the side. I was surprised it was Antonio, there was a small microphone placed on his ear.

He fixed his gaze on me smiling as he continued playing the piano. Then he started singing, He was singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran and playing the tune that matched it on the piano.

His voice sounded sweet and soft.

'🎵I found a girl, beautiful and sweet.
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Cause we where just kids when we fell in love🎵'

His voice was like a beautiful angelic sound.

He kept on singing till he reached the second chorus and stopped playing the piano as he sang walking towards me. I got lost in his eyes.

🎵Dancing in the dark, with you between my arms.
Barefoot on the cross
Listening to our favourite song🎵

He laid his arms on my waist and I wrapped my arms on his neck.
Be kept on singing as we moved slowly to the tune.

🎵I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel
In person, she looks perfect
I don't deserve it
you look perfect🎵

He ended it with a Hume as he kissed me directly, I could hear people hailing, cheering and clapping.

I even think there were fireworks displayed outside.

"You never told me you could play the piano" I said sweetly touching his hair.

"Am always full of surprises baby" He said giving me a peck on my lips.

"Thank you" I whispered to him and he chuckled.

"I know it might seem too fast to you because I recently asked you to be my girlfriend but I just can't wait and besides we've known each other for like forever " He shifted a little back as he increased his voice.

"I have never felt more complete in my life until I met you. The number of every single grass in the world isn't quarter of how much I adore and love you. I love you with all the life I have inside of me, from every tear I shed to every smile I beam. If one smile from me to you could be transformed into stars, then I might as well be holding up the entire sky. Your worth to me is not up to golds or the Mona Lisa painting but a worth after my life. My love for you is like a circle, it has no end.

I want to be with you until the sun falls from the sky and every morning you wake up to . I promise to worship you like the queen you are, treat you like the only woman in the world. I wish for you to support me in creating a big beautiful family with which more memories would be formed. From the first heartbeat I have made I would like to ask the question of:"Will you marry me?"

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