The Feast

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I looked over to Antonio he seemed angry.


"What's all this?" I asked obviously upset, looking at my dad, he looked relaxed.

"Calm down" Tana whispered in my ears.

"How do people character change all of a sudden" I heard my mum murmur.

"Let's go" I said but Tana removed her arm from my hold.

"Just give him a chance, we are already here" She said.

"I'm not staying with those three" I told her.

"Then don't talk to me" She said facing somewhere else.

"Come on baby" I said sweetly turning her to face me.

"Please" She pleaded.

I let out a defeated sigh.
"If they say anything annoying, am going to rip off their hearts" I said taking Tana's hand, all she did was chuckle.

"Claurda" I heard my dad call out my mum name with a smile.

My mum looked at him first, before she sighed.

"Why did you invite them?" She asked.

My father looked disappointed instantly, he didn't answer the question.

I sat on the chair beside my mum and Tana. On the opposite side Linda sat at the middle while Jessica and their mum sat beside her, my father sat at the head.

He cleared his throat before he stood up.

"Welcome family and friends. It's nice to finally meet you Tana after a long time" He smiled to her as she nodded her head slightly smiling back.

"I can see my son has good taste in women just like his father" My father teased and I laughed a little as I gave Tana a short kiss on her lips, my mum blushed and u didn't know why.

"I know I haven't been a good father for some time and I apologize Antonio" He paused for a short while. "I've been thinking about what you said, and I think your right. Jennie can handle the affairs of this country, but that will be when she's old enough"

"What?" I heard Jessica mum say[Tana's step mom]

"What's wrong with that?" My dad asked, wondering the interruption of his speech.

"Umm, nothing" She said quickly.

"Good" He said satisfied with her answer.

"Like I was saying before, Jennie is very capable of ruling, I think she will make a good Queen. Am really sorry Claurda for everything" He said sounding remorseful.

"I know your angry at me for all my attitudes and I'm really sorry. Antonio can get to choose his wife, I won't force any woman on him"

"What's that suppose to mean?"'Jessica mum asked. "Your the king you should make that decision"

"Lucia keep your mouth shut for now. It's my son life not mine, he's the one that needs the wife not me so he gets to choose the person so that I don't create a big mistake for his life"

"But she's already a mistake" Jessica said rolling her eyes at Tana.

I took the fork laying on the table as I stood up.

"Antonio" Tana called out my name.

"No. Don't do it just sit back"

I obeyed her sitting back on the chair. "If you don't have anything reasonable to say then please leave. The Castle is for only the intelligent ones"

"How dare you call me dumb?" She asked angry.

"I didn't, you just did. I'm going to warn you for the last time don't talk about my wife like that. I won't hesitate to slap you if you try"

"Let's the feast start" My dad said happily sitting back on his chair.

"So, Tana how old are you?" My dad asked, starting a conversation.

"21, I'll be twenty two in a month time" I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"That's nice" He complemented. "Sorry to ask this, but what do you like most about my son?" My father asked as the maids started bringing in the food.
Now i knew why my father asked that question, i smiled thoughtfully.

"To me honest it's his personality, I haven't really seen any guy like him. His caring, loving, funny, handsome, smart and can be sometimes stubborn. His the kind of guy that respects my choice and doesn't ask questions or judge it"

"Oh" My father said surprised.

"Are you a Christian?" He asked.

"Yes" She replied.

"Is he your first lover?" My dad asked again.

"Yes. His actually my first everything. I've been the type of girl who doesn't catch feelings for boys or even like them. But the first time I lay my eyes on your son I already started feeling butterflies everywhere" She said blushing, I couldn't believe she was bold saying all of this I was extremely happy.

"Wow, that's amazing" My dad commended her.

"What's all this?" Jessica asked looking angry.

"What's all what?" I redirected the question to her.

"Why are you asking her those questions?" Linda asked.

"If you can't talk properly young lady then please leave this place" My dad said firmly.

She shrugged her shoulders as she started eating. The food was already served on the table.
"Let's eat" My dad said.

"We should pray first" Tana suggested.

"Oh, okay then go on" My dad smiled as he spoke, I think he's impressed.

"In Jesus Name, Dear Lord we've all come to you to thank you for this Lord, It is blessed and sanctified for the nourishment of our body in Jesus Name"

"Amen!" We all chorused and started digging into the food.

Linda kept looking at Tana with a disgusted face, rolling her eyes repeatedly but Tana didn't seem to care.

"He doesn't seem bad" Tana whispered into my ears.

"He's a changed person" I said causing her to laugh a little. My mum kept on smiling, she was definitely enjoying everything that had happened since.

"You never told me I caused you butterflies everywhere" I whispered onto Tana's ear.

"It's all in the past" She said focusing on the food.

"But I deserve a reward"

"A reward?" She questioned and I nodded." I will think about it" She said.

"But I want it now"

"Table manners, keep quiet while you eat" She said putting the fork containing a meetball in my mouth.

"Feed me again" I told her.

"Behave your self" She scolded me but I ignored her opening my mouth.

"You two clearly love each other" I heard my dad say.

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