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I felt so lonely because Antonio had left and gone with my stepsisters to tell them more about him but at one side i was angry while in the other i was jealous of my sisters going around with the boy i liked. Wait! No I don't like him I just think his cute.

            AFTER A MONTH
Now I knew Antonio better we talked, laughed, ate to together and we did almost every thing together.

But i was also worried of him spending to much time with my stepsisters. They were always trying to separate both of us from seeing each other and I wasn't still able to find out whether he was a actually a Prince or not.
I became jealous of him spending more of his time with "HIS FANS"( stepsisters) but at the same time my love for him grew more. I decided to avoide him because my stepsisters noticed i was spending too much time with Antonio and they threatened me never to come near him unless it will be the last timr for me coming to the school.
I kept on avoiding Antonio for about some time, Even though he tried talking to me i only ignored him. But when i thought I was getting to far by avoiding him I decided just to greet him by saying either "HI" OR "HELLO"anytime he came to talk to me then after that i left
"Hello hotty how are you", a voice came from behind. I turned and saw it was Antonio I ignored him even though it was hurting me.

"Hello" he said while coming to sit near me.

I still ignored him.

He started touching my face slowly and he came closer to my face and kissed my cheek I was feeling happy but tried to hide my emotions and even though I wanted to show little emotion my jealousy and anger won't allow me.

"Please stop that you're making me feel uncomfortable" i said trying to put on a straight face getting up to leave.

He dragged my arm and moved me to his legs and i stared at his beautiful eyes.

"I've been calling you but you've not been answering my calls for so long, I know you have been avoiding me"

I was still lost in eyes.

"Tana, Tana ,Tana!!!!"  I was back to my self.

"What are you thinking about"

"Nothing"I said while standing up.

"Please sit down i want to talk to you" he said with pleading eyes

I looked at him with a fake angry expression "What do you want to talk about"

"Why are you angry at me?"

I'm not"

"So your angry" he chuckled.

"No am not"

"I know you're lieing"

"Am not" I said simply

"Please tell me what I did to you" he asked like a child talking to his mummy.

"You didn't do anything"

"So your being stubborn"he said and started tickling me

"Stop stop" I shouted as I laughed heavily.

"Am not going to stop until you tell me what I did"

"Ok I---wi ----will t---tell you" I had trouble bringing out the words as I was laughing.

"You promise"

"Y-yes" i kept on laughing.


"You really like looking for trouble" I spoke.

"Only yours sweetheart" he replied teasing.

"Okay you have been spending more time with your so called fans than me and you know your my besrfriend" Wait was I being over protective of him, what if he thought I was into him but he just laughed.

"My fans.......Do you mean Jessica and Linda?"  he couldn't believe she was getting jealous of people who didn't mean anything to him.

"Yes who else do you think it is or do you have someone else"

"Well yes but she's sitting next to me now, would I prefer the twins to a gorgeous, sexy, and the most beautiful person i have seen in the world"

He was "PULLING MY LEGS". I felt like slapping him for that.

"Thanks " i said with satisfaction in my eyes and a smile.

"I love you so much" he was touching my cheek slowly.

"Stop, stop. Stop" I suddenly blurted out, it's not that I don't want to kiss him but I don't want him to touch me like before who knows we might even have a child before finishing school.

Tana stop thinking nonsense you fool. I say to myself

"Am not going to kiss you again, But I want to ask you something" I said after minutes of silence.

"And what if I kiss you?" He looked with teasing gaze.

"Then i will never talk or look at you again"

"That's fine by me" .

He came closer to give me a kiss on the lips when i pushed him back.

"Look i will allow you kiss me later unless you answer my questions"

"But I really want to do it" He sounded like a child.

"Unless you answer me agreed"


 He sat closer to me, we have known each other for about a month and some days and you didn't tell me that you are a prince. I mean i have been in the presence of a prince and i didn't know"

"Oh, what country exactly are you from" he asked sarcastically and laughed.

"Who doesn't know I'm a prince"

"Well I don't know" I said feeling a little disappointed.

"Okay your right i should have told you i am a prince but seriously i thought you knew"

"You thought?"

"Yes, I mean from my surname but how did you find out then?"

"Well my sister's saw you when you dropped me off and they were talking about it. I heard in their conversation that you were a prince, I have been wanting to ask you the question but i keep on forgetting"

"For a month" he said with surprised in his eyes and let out a loud sound of laugh.

I immediately frown and felt bad, I couldn't believe he was making fun of me this much.

"Okay so what's the next question?"

"I hate you, just get out"i said with annoyance i turned my face to another direction.

"That's not a question. Am sorry hotty please don't be annoyed i didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything like that"

"I thought am your best friend but instead your making fun of me"
"Am sorry babe, Could you please turn your face to my direction now" he said with sincerity in his voice.

"It's okay" I smiled turning to his direction.

"Thank you"

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