Getting Into Action 5

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"Let them go" I said crying. She had also captured Sofia and Antonio's mum they were being held by two of Christina men while Antonio was tied to a chair just like me he wasn't awake yet.

"Why are you dragging them into this?" I asked still shedding tears

"You will see, and for those two right there" She was pointing to mum and Sofia. "I will teach them a valuable lesson after am done with you"

"Please just leave them out of this"

"Try to mind your business a lot Tana" She said with an irritated face.

"But they are my family" She laughed at face,then spat some spit from her mouth unto the floor.

"No wonder you all are useless, and by the way you better shut the fuck up or will do it for you"

I looked over to Antonio, I think he was getting his senses back. He wasn't unconscious like before, he opened his eyes looking confused then looked around, his eyes landed on me and I could see a tones of rage gathering into him.

"What's all this Christina?" He asked angrily, struggling to free himself from the chair.

"Oh, look who's awake. Well.... if you really insist to know what is all this then I will tell you. I'm going to bring someone to extinct, Can you guess who it is?" She asked with a smile on her face. Antonio ignored what she was saying, he was thinking of something else.

"If you can't guess then let me tell you, It's the lady that's also tied up to that chair" She pointed to me as she walked towards me.

"It's Tana" She whispered into my ears as she hit me across the face.

"Christina!" Antonio voice echoed in the room.

"What?!" Christina asked with an annoyed tone.

"Leave her alone" His tone was commanding. Christina let out a big laugh.

"I should let her go, then what am I going to gain. She's going to die before she leaves this place"

"What do want?" Antonio asked.

"Ummm...... now your talking. I want three nights with you"

"What?" I asked feeling disgusted.

"Ask for something else, like money, house" Antonio said.

"I don't want anything about from your body" She walked over to Antonio sitting on his lap as she touched his face slowly, My whole body caught anger and jealousy. While Antonio on the other hand was wiggling his body as he kept moving his face from one side to another.

"I love you Antonio" I heard her say. "I truly do"

"Get off me Christina right now, unless you will regret it"

"Fine" She said standing from his laps giving a slightly defeated look.

"Just think of something else and ask" Antonio said.

She thought for a while, and then a smile ran across her face. With that smile on her face am sure it's a bad thing.

"We should get married" I knew it something bad.

"Are you kidding me?" Antonio asked frustrated. "Am not doing that"

"Then say goodbye to your......" She seemed lost in thoughts.  "What was that nickname you gave her....yes.....hotty"

How did she know that? Is she a spy? Or a stalker?

"Wait" Antonio said. "Please think about something else"He pleaded.

"Those are my two option, you take it or leave it"

Antonio bent his head down, he was really frustrated and exhausted.

"Kill me instead" He said with his head up. I gave him a unhappy face, What's he saying? That he wants to leave me all alone in this world?, Or he wants me to be crying and weeping about him?

"No" I objected. "Kill me instead"

"No rather kill me" Antonio said.

"Don't listen to him, just end my life now"

"If you end her life, then your ending mine" Antonio said with a serious face.

"That's not happening" I objected again.

Christina gave a disgusted look.

"It looks you both care about each other more than yourselves"
She said it in more of a teasing way as she laughed a little. "But that's only for a period of time" Her face turned serious back.

She went to a table, took back the injection as she was walking towards me. I looked at Antonio fearfully, he have me a warm smile. What was he planning?

"Say goodbye Tana" She said playfully.

"Drop it now" I heard a voice echoed in the room, It was Carlos but I couldn't see him"

"Carlos?" She muttered but I could hear as I was closer to her, I could see the surprise in her face.

"Drop the injection on the floor" I heard him say again.

She immediately ran to the table again as she took her gun.

"Show yourself Carlos"She was turning round little by little as she was holding the gun.

Throughout this whole scene, I noticed Antonio mum, Sofia and the two guards holding them where watching us like a movie.

"Do you really think you could make me vanish from this earth?" He asked as he came out from the shadows, he didn't look well at all he had bruises all over his body and dried blood, there were even pieces of clothes wrapped around some part of his leg. His face looked he...... cried.

"That's a very obvious yes. just look at you, you look like a mess and what do I see on your face....Umm.....Is that years?" She asked both teasingly and mockingly.

Carlos gave her an angry expression.

"Your just like your mum" He said pointing the gun towards her.

"You just figured out that now" She laughed a little. "It's really nice of you too join us"

"Am not joining anything, am only here to teach you a lesson" At that point some men came out from the window and door. Three of them went to beat up the men holding Sofia and Carlos men as they freed them. While two went to free Antonio, as two were also coming near to help me, Christina shot one of them. I shouted in fear, I saw the man drop dead in front of me.I closed my eyes crying silently.

Then she came closer to me pointing the gun at my head.

"Christina let her go" I heard Carlos command.

"Or what?"

"You all should all go, I will take care of my sister" Carlos said as they started walking out of the room one by one. Antonio stood up from the chair he was tied to freely, he ran a little towards me when Christina pointed the injection towards my neck.

"If you come a little closer I will inject her" She threatened.

"Christina you better put the gun down" Carlos shouted.

"Christina let go of the gun please" Antonio said, I could sense he was already furious and was crying a little. I opened my eyes and starred at him, our eyes met. I mouthed 'It's okay" But he nodded his head as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Christina for the last time, let go of the gun" Carlos was getting feed up.

"I said No" She still disagreed

"Christina!" I could see he was at his last patience.

Before I knew what was happening, Christina shoved the injection inside my hand as I started hearing sound of bullets. I turned to Antonio he was already by my side trying to free me from the rope fastly. He was in both shock and fear.

My vision immediately became dizzy and fuzzy.

I started feeling like I had been tasty my whole life as I blanked out.

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