Special Date😏

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I was already inside the house, I took a glass of water to calm myself, I'm somehow nervous. I went to see my mum[she was very excited] I told her where I would take Tana to. I looked at my wrist watch, it says the time is 6:30. What's taking her time?, Girls🙄.

I was about going up the stairs, when I saw her walking downstairs slowly [taking one step at a time], her eyes were on the ground watching the way she walked. Fuck! I screwed, she can't walk well with high heels and I bought it for her.

But forget about that, she looks so gorgeous and I can't help not to love her more. She's pretty outside but prettier inside, she even looks hot with some of her skin showing.

She was already half way the stairs when she looked up and met my eyes. She looked shocked at first but then smiles as she walks a little faster towards me.

I can't help not to smile, she's so adorable.

"I made it on time" She said smiling more.

"No" I said objecting her. "Your one minute late" I told her,as she was walking downstairs it took a minute.

She gave me a fake frown but I ignored it, I walked closer to her, closing the gap between us.

"I'm the luckiest man on earth" I said with a proud smile.

"And am the luckiest woman on earth" She said with a blush.

"You look gorgeous" I said kissing her lips.

"Thanks" She said blushing more. "You also look charming" She complimented me.

"Thanks to you" I said winking at her.

"Let's get going" I said locking our arms as we walked out of the house.


He opened the door for me as a gentle man, and just as I was about to sit down I saw flowers, a heart shaped chocolate box with a small love envelope on the seat. I turned towards him giving him a hug, his always full of surprises.

"Thank you so much" I said joy evident in my voice.

"Anything for you angel" He said as I pulled away from the hug, I collected the gifts from the sit on my arm as I sat down and Antonio closed the door. I'm so happy!!!!

He walked towards the other side, opening the door and sitting down. He looks so handsome with his pink suite and black tie, He looks so responsible and professional. Any woman would be happy and lucky to have him in their life and am so happy I came across someone like him. He started the car as a slow love music was played on the radio.

"My mum's jewelry?" He asked looking at my neck.

"Yes" I replied. "She also gave me with her earrings" I added.

"She already loves you so much" He said.

I didn't know whether to reply or keep quiet, so I just nodded with a smile.

"Jennie called" I said starting a conversation as I played with the flowers in my hand.

"Jennie? She also called me today at the office"

"Your the one that's meant to be calling her not the other way round" I said my thoughts.

"And why is that?" He asked looking confused.

"Your older than her and you only call her thrice in a month" I explained

"Okay, next time I will call her first and I will try to call often" He said with a chuckle.

"So where exactly are we going" I was extremely excited already. I opened the chocolates eating one small heart shaped chocolate, then giving one to Antonio.

"It's not meant for me" He said chewing the chocolates.

"Then why did you eat it?" I asked stating matter of fact.

"Cause you forced me" He said giving me a peck on my lips.

"I did?" I kept the flowers and remaining chocolates at the back of the car. Then i open the card as my heart melted.

'I don't really know how to write love letters cause it's stressful and confusing but this the best I could come out with. I've known you since you were like fifteen years and I really don't know how to do without you cause you've been in my life with your impacts changing me into someone else. Your my first love and the last one, Your my one, only and my forever. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH💖'

"Awwnnn 🥰" I said blushing. "I love it" I said happily.

"You do?" He looked suprised. "But it was so short and didn't really have those romantic touch"

"That doesn't matters to me, it's not easy to write something as beautiful as this. Am proud of you" I said.

"Am also proud of you" He said smirking.

"Where are all my clothes?" I asked changing the topic instantly giving him a stern look.

He smiled sheepishly at me. "They are in safe hands" He said looking at the road.

We continued talking about a lot of things for a while, until we got to our destination.

"Are you ready?" He asked parking at a VIP guest place.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"You will see" He said with a grin, I don't like the sound of it. We both got down and I suddenly felt sacred, my body is showing so much right now I was panicking inside until I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist.

"I won't leave your side" He said with a promising tone.
I sighed heavily trying to relax, then I gave Antonio a nod.

He held my hands into his as we walked a little forward, getting to a big glass door, the security guard pushed it open and the next thing I saw was light. They were paparazzi everywhere taking pictures of both me and Antonio. Securities were in front of us and back clearing a path for us to pass.

"What's it like being in love with Prince Antonio?"

"How did you fall for her?"

"Are you guys really engaged?"

"What's your miss name?"

"When is the wedding?"

"Where does your miss come from?"

"How much did you buy your dress, it looks expensive?"

They were so many questions which where getting annoying, Antonio gripped tightened on my hand as he walked me to a snapping area.

Antonio stepped to my back as he placed his hands on my hips and whispered in my ears "smile"

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