Another Suprise

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"Aren't you going to pay?" I whispered to Antonio as we walked through the hall.

"Already did online" He replied.

As we walked out of the hall, a huge crowd surrounded us asking questions and Antonio grip immediately tighten on my hand.

'Is it true you proposed to her?'

'How long do you think your relationship will last?'

'Everyone thought you were going to propose to her to be your wife, but you didn't. Why?'

They were too many questions.

"Because I needed to make it official to everyone that we were together and if I were to propose to her to be my wife I would do it in a more royal, romantic, exciting and flamboyant way. She deserves the first of every best thing in the world" I looked at him throughout as he spoke, I'm so lucky to have him by my side.

He looked at me with a smile. "I think our relationship will last forever, there won't be any end" He spoke proudly.

"How did you get to meet each other?" A reporter asked me as she put a microphone near me.

"We went to the same high school and we were in the same class" I answered.

That's how the bunch of questions started loading. Some of the questions I didn't feel like answering I just passed it or ignored it.

After talking for a while, two body guards came clearing space for us to walk out. Antonio also tipped them well and we went back to where we packed.

As I was walking to the car door. Antonio pulled my hand as he pinned me to the car as his arms wrapped my waist.

"What?" I asked him.
He didn't answer, he just leaned over kissing me passionately. Our tongues were touching and I could feel his hands moving down, he was putting his hands underneath the slit part of the dress.

"Antonio" I moaned his name in the kiss.

"Sorry" He said pulling out from the kiss as he winked and I blushed

"Open the door" I spoke trying to open the car door.

He just smirked and rested on the car.

"Where's the key?" I asked getting confused.

"We are walking" He said.

"Walking?, Why?" I asked. "Did the car get spoilt!?"

"The evening looks cool and calm. Romantic for two lovers to stroll on" He replied.

"I know your up to something" I said matter of fact as he burst into a chuckle.

"You know me too well" He said taking my hand as we started walking.

We've been walking in silence, cause we both seemed lost in thoughts. I walked up to a beggar by the roadside placing the packaged food on the ground besides him, Antonio dropped some money on the nylon and we both walked away.

"Does your father approve of me?" I asked what was bothering me.

He sighed heavily "His a strong head, his just going to be looking at all the bad or wrong things. I don't know what kind of father he is"

I looked at him with a smile.

"That's exactly how you were to me when we first met after many years" I said.

He stopped walking, looking at me as he thought about it. Then guilt started showing in his face.


I interrupted him. "It's all in the past" I told him.

"But I didn't apologize. I'm really sorry baby, it won't happen again" He said hugging me.

"And I'm sorry for making you feel everything you felt" I said apologetic.

He pulled from the hug as he placed his arm firm around my waist and I placed my hands on his chest.

"I love you more than my own life" He said as he jammed his lips to mine a tingly sensation spread through my body.

He was gentle, loving, calm, caring and I just wanted to be in his arms forever. His lips moved in sync with mine perfectly.

Suddenly they was a brightest of light shinning, I pulled away

"What was that?" I asked breathless.

"Paparazzi" He answered with a chuckle.

"You already seem breathless just for one kiss, how I you going to react when I fuck you" He teased me but all I did was blush.

"Your not even ashamed of using that word"

"What's wrong with it, should I use the word sex instead?"

"Let's continue walking" I ignored his question as I blushed  more. He took my hand as we continued walking.

I kept on blushing like a kid even though nothing was happening but his gaze did something.

"I love you" He sang making me blush the more.

"You love me, We are happy family" He looked at me.

"With a great big hug" He sang as he hugged me tightly. "And a kiss from me to you" He kissed my lips making it sound.

"Won't you say you love me too?" He looked at me.

"I love you!" I screamed at the top of my voice hugging him.

"She loves me!" Antonio shouted. We were behaving lovey-dovey at this moment and people kept starring at us.

"Catch me if you can" I laughed as I started running, i don't know how am going to run fast with this heels I held my purse tightly as I ran to who knows where.

I would have continued running but I stopped, there was a restaurant that caught my attention, It seemed new like they hadn't open it before but the lights inside were on.

"Gotcha" Antonio spoke with a smile tickling my waist before he hugged me.

"Took you so long" I teased as I laughed from the tickle.

"Only fourteen seconds" He said facts.

"Hey, look at the restaurant" I pointed to it.

"You like it?" He asked.

"It's amazing, I love the colours" I said happy.

"Let's check it inside" He said dragging my arm.

"Aren't we trespassing?" I asked.

"You can't be trespassing something that's yours" He replied and I got confused.

He pushed the glass door
as we both entered. The lights suddenly went off and I got scared.

"Antonio" I whispered walking forward slowly, Antonio would be somewhere here.

The lights came back on. I turned and saw Antonio starring at me with a key in his right hand and he wiggled it. I didn't realize at first, but when I understood I just started crying.

"Antonio" I said hugging him as I cried on his chest.

Tears of joy of course.

"You didn't have to" I said as he patted my back slowly.

"I would buy the whole world just for you" He said making me cry more as I hugged him tight.

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