Back In School (Part 2)

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At last the teacher was done with teaching, which meant 5 minutes break for us to get ready for the next class.

"Hello beautiful" Antonio said with a happy face😃😃😃 and brought a chair close and sat beside me.

"Hi" I said back with a smile.

"How was your night my lady" He asked.

"It was wonderful my king, what of yours" I answered.

"I didn't sleep last night"

"Why?, We're you sick"

"No, I just kept on thinking about you" His two elbow rested on the table while his chin was on his palms, he looked so adorable.

"Stop teasing me"

"Why?, you look so cute when your blushing"

"Am not blushing" i said.

"I know you better than you know yourself"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "Please can you give me some of your notes i need to copy the notes I have already missed"I asked Antonio, who seemed to be lost in my eyes .

"Uh, what did you say sweetie"

"I said I need your notes to copy the notes I have already missed" I said again trying not to meet his gaze.

"Why will the love of my life be stressing herself to copy notes, when her hands have been fractured and her boyfriend is sitting next to her" he asked.

"Am not badly injured, I will write it"

"Stop being a stubborn princess and give me your note, I will copy it for you"

"Okay then" I let go of the matter. "If you insist, here are the notes I have with me" I said while handing him three notes. I took my school bag the day my mum beat me up and I haven't been back to the house so I was unable to sort my books.

"I will always insist of doing everything for you" he said while I tried to hid my blush.

I am so happy I have someone like him that looks after me, this has proved me wrong of what my sister's said about him( Chapter 9).
'Come to think of it me and Antonio behave like married couples even though we haven't started dating' I thought.

"Thanks" I said.

"I need to tell you something baby" he said.

"What is that ?" I asked curious

Before he could say any thing the teacher was already in the class.

"Good afternoon students, please everyone have your sits lets begin today's work" The teacher said.

"Good afternoon sir" we chroused while standing up.

"We will talk later" I said silently to Antonio while I sat back in my sit and Antonio returned his sit and sat on it.

The teacher taught for about 40 minutes before giving us assignment and left, we had another five minutes break to prepare for our next class.

"What did you want to tell me before" i asked Antonio

"Baby forget about it you need to rest we will talk about it later I promise you"


"Yh, now rest, when the next teacher comes am going to wake you up" How am I going to rest for 5 minutes?


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