Getting Into Action 3

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"Who was that?" My mum asked as I carried a confused face.

"Carlos, I think he's sister found out and......" I was trying to look for words to explain "I don't really get what he said"

"I'm sure his alright, and besides James is with him. Let's keep going" My mum assured me as we continued our journey.

After some time the dog finally stopped at a very familiar place. It was factory, an abandoned and restricted one. Of course why didn't I think of this. Christina is really cunning as a fox.

Carlos father once had this big factory which he created goods. After his death the factory closed down infact it was restricted by Carlos mother for a stupid reason. She said she didn't want to have anything to do with the dead [ I don't really know how that makes sense] so she restricted the factory from going on. Carlos would have taken over the factory but I didn't know why he didn't, This would have brought him a lot of money. And yes it was sited in the forest but it wasn't deep inside, it was in the East where people travelling in and out of the state or country could see. His father was really a wise man unlike Carlos his something else like weird, annoying, stupid, lazy, coward boy.

"Should we go in now?" Ben said after we watched from a distance whether they was any security or men.

"Let's spilt up" I told him.
"Ben take three of the guys and go through that door" I pointed to a black door.

"Sure sir"

"The rest of you follow me, there's another door at the other side" I said holding both my mum and Sofia hands on each sides.


"You think your really smart?" I was literally talking to myself. We had arrived at where my sister had stopped, it was my dad factory.

"Let's go In" I said as we all entered.

We went round the first floor nothing, the second floor, I started hearing noises and strange sounds, I was about to shoot when I saw it was some of Antonio's men I guess Antonio or Tony was also around here.

After talking with them, I learnt both of them were here. Tony was in one of the rooms with the men he borrowed from Me and Antonio, I heard they got caught by my mother. It turns out Antonio also arrived some time before me, Tony got here since.

We immediately formed a plan, I'm not ready to be telling any one sorry for their love one lost that's too much work. I mean I would like to see Antonio in pain but not his brother dieing.


"I promise you Christina, your never going to get away with this" I said loudly as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I already sweetheart. Am going to give you a drug, it's more like a poison. It will first start draining your blood, then it will slowly cause you damages to your immune system, you will feel kidney pain, chest pain maybe even breast pain. It slowly kill you and I will video everything so that when you die and look at it and say 'she thought she could survived but she was wrong' and I will be smiling" before I was still feeling pity for her she did this out of jealous but this is way far,Is this how you get someone to love you?, How does she know Antonio is the ONE?, Why Is she even telling me the details of what she wants to do?,why not just stab me once and for all

"You know evil doesn't do any good to anyone. How do you know what your doing is going to change Antonio's mind?"

"Well it does to me, and at least you will stay away from Antonio. You will be gone, and maybe I can drug him and sleep with him, maybe end up carrying a child for him" She said smiling happily thinking about a fantasy in her head.

Having the thought of her and Antonio on bed "Eww" I blurted out. I was suppose to say that in my mind. She turned to me looking angrily as she walked closer to me bent a little and dragged my ear with her hand squeezing it.

"Stop, stop it.......your hurting me" I cried loudly. This was torture and I wasn't enjoying it.

"I hate you so much Tana, more than anything in the world" She whispered in my ear before she bit my ear dragging it with her teeth.

I let out out a huge shout crying, it was really painful. She laughed widely, she really enjoys inflicting pain to others.

"Ma" Someone ran in bending down his head. She stopped dragging my ear.

"What?" She asked rudely.

"Were under attack, we suspect your brother"

Wait, Carlos was here. That means Antonio should be here, I suddenly felt a little hope, maybe I might get saved.

"My brother!?" She asked angrily.
"I thought I killed him, how did he survive"

I hate her with passion, how can you try to kill your own brother. She's fucking wicked, she doesn't even deserve a brother like Carlos, his a nice guy.

She stormed out of the room angrily as the man followed behind, I was still tied up to a chair.


"Who's there?" Someone mysteriously asked, I could see the person shadows moving. The lights were offed In the side I was.

"Move back" I whispered to my mum and Sofia. They moved back with no hesitation.

"I know someone is here, surrender yourself" I was about shooting the person with the gun in my hand when I heard a loud crying scream, My vision went blurry, my body felt weak , that was definitely Tana, something must have badly to her.

I sprang from where I was, I can't bear to hear her cry, As I came out of my hiding spot the man dotted me as he shot a bullet to me but he missed, I walked to him grabbing him by the neck as I raised him up throwing him to a side, I ran to him as I started punching him I wasn't myself there, my anger took control and was laying all my anger on him.

"Antonio stop" I could hear my mum, but I couldn't stop. This bastard was working and helping Christina in trying to kidnap Tana and I needed to release my anger on someone. Before I knew what was happening my mum was beside me on the ground holding my arm.

"Stop Antonio, he's dead" As my mum said those words I stopped, I looked to the man he was covered with blood, I looked to Sofia she was shocked with a wide open mouth.

"I didn't mean...."

My mum cut me off. "Let's just go, before someone finds us"

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