Trying To Escape

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                             I kept running as fast as I could, I didn't look back even once. I was really surprised how fast I ran, cause some minutes ago I was weak as hell.

     It was very dark as I ran that I didn't know when I tripped over a stone, I couldn't maintain my balance, so I crashed unto the ground. I looked over to my trousers there was a different shade of colour it must have been blood , I had injured In my knee.

"Ouch" I said lowly as not to get caught. I was in so much pain now, my body immediately went weak like before, I couldn't even get up again. I just laid there and soon enough I feel asleep.


This is the second time am taking a sleeping pill this night, I couldn't just sleep when I knew Tana's life was in danger.

"She's going to be alright, just go and sleep" My mum said as she entered the kitchen. She didn't go back to the Castle, She decided to stay here for the rest of the day then go back tomorrow, and I knew she did it for me.

I think she's afraid of behaving the way I behaved when Tana disappeared before.
[Me not eating, sleeping, staying in my room all day, crying]

"I can't, she's out there all alone"

"Am sure she's safe, She's no more a baby, she's a woman"

"I know mum, but I won't sleep until I see her alive"

"She won't be happy with your decision" My mum said worried.

"Mum you don't need to worry" I said hugging her. _"I'm a man and Tana is like my wife. Any man who truly love his wife, will be as worried as I am right now"

"And am also a mother, it pains a mother to see her child in distress"

"Okay, I will try to sleep. But first you go and sleep"

"You promise me" she said placing her hand on my cheek.

"Yes, go to your room and rest"

"Good night" She said walking out of the kitchen.

"Same to you" I shouted for her to hear.

I drank two glasses of water before going back to my room.
I laid on the bed, closing my eyes trying as much as possible to sleep but I couldn't.

    Every time my thought went to Tana, What if I can't find her again? What if she's dying right now? OR she's dead?.

"I can't live without her" I said softly as a tear dropped down from my eyes.

I stepped down from my bed, scratching my head and walking back and forth.

I collected my phone calling someone immediately.

"I can't believe I saved your number on my phone" The person on the other end said disgusted.

"Shut the fuck Carlos, I need a favour"

"Your a bastard Antonio, you abuse me and now your asking for a favour"

"Who did you call a bastard? am coming down to your place now" I was angry now.

"I don't think your girlfriend will like to see your face bruised if we fight"

"She's missing" My voice went soft and weak.

"Oh" That was all he said and he ended the call immediately.

"Such an idiot" I didn't bother to call again.


I woke up from something or someone licking my face, I opened my eyes slowly. It was a dog NO a puppy it was small and cute. I sat up resting my head on a tree, I was still weak to stand up, the puppy faced me looking happy.

"Hi, am Tana" I said as if the puppy could understand me.

The puppy barked. "Whoff, Whoff"

"Shhhhhhhh" I said silently.

The puppy eyes went wide opened and he bent his head a little, he peed on the ground. Then ran away.

I smiled widely, then closed my eyes wanting to sleep back again. After some minutes I felt something/someone licking my foot. I opened my eyes it was the puppy. It suddenly looked scared and starts dragging my trouser with his teeth. I think he wants me to follow him, but to where?

"Where do you want us to go?" I asked confused. He immediately barked again, then ran off. I started hearing foot steps approaching, immediately I took to my heels running after the puppy.

Maybe it was trying to warn me about someone that's why it was afraid.

The puppy ran faster than I thought, jumping like an athlete. He was incredible.

I followed him every step he took, as we ran we got to an end point it was a cliff, and we had to jump. I hesitated, I can't swim. I'm surely going to die especially in this state, the puppy gave me a disappointed look. It came to the back of me and sat looking at me with a sassy look. I turned to look at the water down.

Should I jump or not?, Or I should sit with the puppy? What if I die, I'm really confused.

I turned to see the puppy sitting and that's when it jumped at me suddenly, causing me frightened as I lost my balance and fell.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" I yelled loudly with my eyes closed. I'm having mixed emotions now, I want to cry, am angry and am happy.

I landed in the water, trying to breathe. I couldn't swim so I became afraid. My fear took me making me swallow water  The puppy was also in the water, it swam to me and some how pulled my head to the surface of the river. Now I could breathe and could balance with the weight of the water, The puppy came out of the river shaking his body to dry itself on the dry land. Then it ran away.

"Heyy" I shouted. "Your forgetting someone"

"Bad puppy" I muttered.

After some minutes, I saw the same puppy pushing a long wood with it's butt towards the water. I held onto the wood tight and the puppy dragged wood back with me. Maybe it isn't really a bad puppy.

I got to dry land, sitting on the ground I squeezed the water out of my hair. I feel somehow wearing wet and soaked clothes but I have to manage cause there's no option. The dog stood looking at me and wagging it's tail.

"There she is" I heard a whisper, I looked around me, I didn't see anyone, then I looked up the cliff , I saw the same Ding dong man pointing at me with an angry glare.

Both Me and the puppy took to our heels, running fast again not looking back even once.

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