He Believes Me

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"You need to get home and rest" he said after we finished watching a romantic movie, he was holding my hand in his.

"But I don't want to " I pleaded giving him a baby face. My character had changed, normally I would be the first to suggest going even before watching a movie.

"So your becoming naughty"

"Am not, I just want to be closer to you" What had come over me? I was being lovey-dovey.

"I will come to meet you tomorrow, just go home and rest" I argued.

"But I want to be with you this night" If she knew why he really wanted to go she might be scared a little that's why he didn't want to tell her.

"Am really horny now" He blurted out, She gave him a shocked face, that wasn't what she expected to here from him.

"Sorry, that came out wrong" he apologized.

"You didn't do anything, I was just shocked at what you said. You've changed a lot"

"In what aspect?"

"In many aspect, but I love it"

"And you've also changed"


"Well..." He scanned my body with his eyes.  "I can't just wait to eat you up" He whispered.

"That's only what you think of" I hit him on the shoulder.

"Your the cause of it" he said laughing😆.

My phone started ringing, it was Sylvia.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Where have you been baby girl?" she asked worried.

"Am sorry I didn't call, am with Antonio. I'm on my way home"

"Wait, Don't go anywhere, stay there, take all the time you need"

"Am already on my way, I can't go back" I lied to her.

"Oh, ok. Well I called to tell you am not at home I will come back late"

"Where are you going to?"

"Am on a date?, I will see you later"

"How did you know I wasn't back"

"I just guessed, I need to go.  Byee" she said cutting the phone. I knew she was lieing

"Am driving, let's go" Antonio said getting up from the bed. I also got down from bed wearing my shoes.


I followed him as we went downstairs. It was a lovely mansion{not the one I sat and waited for him} This was another mansion. We got to the garage, they were a lot of cars starring at us, different colours and different models.

"Which one do you want us to use?" Antonio asked wrapping his arm around my waist and whispering it in my ears. His hot breath on my skin felt so nice, and his hands around my waist made me feel warm and safe. I wish we could remain like this forever. 

"Umm...... The red one" 

"You know they are like six red cars here, so which one?"

"That one" I pointed at a red big car,{Quick fact- I don't know any name of a car, they are so confusing to learn}

"Okay then"

"My lady" he said opening the car door for me.

"Thank you" I said entering as he closed the door.


"This is all the information I could gather up about her" A young man In his early fifties said handing Mrs. Navata some files. Christiana sat at the other end of the chair while the man sat on the other chair beside them.

"Here" Mrs. Navata gave it to her daughter. Christiana opened it reading it, she was a fast reader so it wouldn't be hard for her to finish reading the file. After 7 minutes she was done, a frown clouded her face.

"Is this all you could get, you old foolish man" She said throwing the files on him.

"What's wrong baby" Her mum asked.

"There wasn't any useful information there" she lied.

"How can that be?, I paid this old man to do his job but yet he still did rubbish"

"That is all I could gather up, and you haven't paid me yet ma"
the man said. The next thing coming to his face was a huge slap from Mrs.Navata.

"You liar!, How dare you lie at me like that. I have already paid you $15,000 and you opened your pit hole called a mouth to talk trash"

"What's going on?" Carlos rushed downstairs fastly, he had heard the slap from his room.

"None of your business" his sister said rudely. He looked at the man holding his cheek with his hand and the papers on the ground and got the scene that happen.

"Don't you have any shame?" He asked shouting at his mother.

"Don't you dare raise your damn voice at me" She said raising her hand up about giving him a slap, until he caught it and pushed it backwards.

"You have become more than a heaeetless monster, how can you slap someone like this" He asked furious.

He reached for his pocket brought out two stacks of money 💰💵 and handed it to him.

"Thank you so much Sir🙏🏾and I apologize for my mother and sister madness"

"Your welcome, I will leave now" The man said walking out of the mansion.

"How can you pay that thief?" His mum questioned him.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?, You asked him to find some information that you will pay him. He did exactly what you asked and gave you the information but you didn't pay him instead you both pretended like the information was useless"

He felt highly disappointed at his mother, she would always remain the 'STINGY WITH MONEY WOMAN'. And her daughter, his sister Christiana will just keep following her bad ways.

"If you can't say anything reasonable than insult, please go f**k yourself" Christina said walking past him to stay near her mother.

He felt like slapping her but he withdrawn his anger. If he slapped he wouldn't gain anything apart from his sister crying like a mad person.

He walked upstairs back ignoring the two ladies who were making his life a living hell.


"Thank you" I told Antonio as we both got down from the car.

"Anything for my sugar bear" I blushed a little.

"I'm really tired" I told him.

"I know, immediately you enter the house, take a bath, then eat, take also the drugs I brought for you and sleep. No distractions understood?"

"Yes Sir" I answered.

"Goodnight" he kissed me on the head and hugged me.

"Love you" I shouted as he opened the door of his car.

"I love you more" he said blowing a kiss to me.

"That's impossible" I said collecting the blown kiss and placing it on my chest.

"No distractions!" He shouted to me. " Go inside now" he commanded. I walked inside the house waving bye and shutting the door.

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