Feast 2

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So far everything has been going well. No arguments from his dad, his really a nice, and friendly person. I was actually shocked from the start cause I saw my stepmom, it's been long I saw her so I thought this feast would be a failure but it's actually the opposite. Everyone seems to enjoy it except from my stepfamily and that really didn't bother me cause they're just selfish, they just want to make themselves happy.

"Did I forget to tell you, you look gorgeous" Antonio whispered in my ears as I blushed.

"Thank you. You look normal" I said.

"Normal?" I could hear him confused.

"What's that suppose to mean" His voice was getting high, not that he was angry but was just curious and shocked by my answer.

"Am I always looking abnormal?" He turned my chin to face him.

"Answer me" He said softly.

"I'm just joking" I said holding his face with my palms.

"Why are taking what I said serious?"

"Cause I trust every word that comes out of your mouth" He said truthfully.

"Well if that's the case, then you get more handsome every single day. It's like God specially uses the time you sleep to make you look very handsome every day" He smiled widely.

"And what if I don't sleep?" He asked leaning into my face.

"What would you be doing all night?" I asked and he smiled devishily, he was thinking something nasty for sure.

"Having a great sex with you" He said as he kissed me straight away not allowing me to talk, his hands extended to my waist. I even forgot I was eating and his mum, dad and my step family were watching.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt someone drag my arm to stand up. I looked surprised who would want to disturb a kiss like this, it was Linda. She looked furious, I saw her hand raise up about to slap me and I closed my eyes immediately.

But I didn't feel anything hit my face. I opened my eyes, Antonio was holding her wrist squeezing it. He looked mad.

"Antonio" I whispered to him, but he ignored me. Looking fiercely into Linda eyes, she was already looking afraid.

"Your hurting me" She complained trying to free her wrist from his grip.

"What do you enjoy about hurting people?" He asked. "I hate seeing people hurt or pained, especially my family. If you ever try to do something like this again, I promise to disgrace you in public" He said pushing her as she landed on the ground.

"Linda" I said walking to her, wanting to help her but she pushed me back.

"Sorry" I said to her, but she just hissed going back to her seat.

"What can of feast is this?" I heard my step mum say. "I didn't come her with my daughters for you to embarrass us"

"A good wife should know how to tolerate and over-look things easily but it looks like your daughter doesn't possess any of those qualities" I heard Antonio father say standing from his chair.

"What can of family is this?. You all talk nonsense" Jessica said standing up.

"Shut up young lady" Antonio mum said standing up too. "You should have some respect for the people who decided to invite you here. What kind of mother trained you like this"

"Don't you dare talk about me to my child like that" My stepmum said pointing a finger to Antonio's mum.

"And don't you dare point a finger to my wife" Antonio's dad said pointing a finger to my step Mom.

Antonio arm wrapped on my waist.

"Am afraid" I whispered to him.

"Just relax" He said back.

"It's okay" Antonio said with a loud voice, sounding it to everyone.

"Jessica, Linda and your mum I think it's best you all leave for now, my father will get you in touch with who are will be  marrying" I could hear he was trying to say it politely.

"What?, Why?" Linda asked.

"Guards" Antonio shouted.

"It's okay, we will go by ourselves. You guys aren't worth our time" My step mum said as she eyed me walking away with her daughters behind her.

"And please don't come back" Antonio shouted to them.

When they were all gone, Antonio sat in the chair relaxed, so as his parents. I still stood confused on what just happened.

"I'm sorry" I said looking down.

"For what?" I heard Antonio dad ask.

"For everything, they are my step family" I said disappointed by their characters.

"There's nothing to apologize for" His dad said.

"Your welcome to the family dear" His dad said, I heard someone walk towards me.

I looked up, Antonio dad immediately hugged me.

"Thank you for coming into my son's life" He said as I hugged him back. I was very shocked.

"Umm...it's nothing" I was already getting emotional, my eyes were getting watery.
We pulled away from the hug, cleaning my tears with his hand.

"Good things come to good people" He said kissing my forehead.

He walked to his wife(Claurda) holding her hand.

"I love you so much Claurda, and am really sorry for everything. Everything I've done wrong" He said apologetic. She smiled softly as she stood up and hugged him.

"I missed you so madly" She said.
They pulled away and starred at each other eyes.

"Let's continue eating" Antonio spoke I guess he wasn't ready to see what would happen next between them. I chuckled at his saying, his mum gave him a look as we all sat.

"When will the wedding commence" Antonio dad asked.

"Yes let's start planning" Antonio's mum added excited.

"I haven't proposed yet" Antonio said looking at me with the corner of his eyes.

"But you should start planning, cause i can't wait to have my children" His mum said and I blushed cause I knew the process of that

We spent the remaining time laughing, finishing the food with toasts and talking about relatable things. It was a really nice feast.

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