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"What are you doing here?" He asked rudely.

"Can't I come to check up on my future husband"

"Shut the fuck up" He said angrily, for some reason he just felt like slapping her and hitting her. He felt like whatever happened to him was all her fault and Tana disappearing was also her fault.

"I'll be back" Jennie said as she walked out of the room. She was trying so hard not to laugh at the situation.

"If you want me to get better, please leave this place" He said putting his hands together in a pleading way.

"Why are you so mean?" His father asked.

"Cause I don't love her. You keep forcing her on me and she enjoys it"

"You can't marry someone else apart from her" His father said firmly.

"This is my life and I get to make every decision I want. Your not the owner of my life so please fucking mind your business" He said angrily and rudely.

"Am your father!" His dad said with authority.

"I love Tana, and no one or thing can change my mind"


As he said those words,that's when it bombed onto me that i haven't deal with that useless man for allowing Tana to escape. I was so worried about Antonio that I forgot to beat up the man for allowing Tana to escape. Am so furious now.

"What of if she dead" I suddenly blurted out.
Antonio gave me a suspicious look.

"Are you planning on killing her?" He asked with one eyebrow up.

"No, am just asking?"

"If that's the case, then my answer will still remain the same. Am not marrying or thinking of dating you even if she dies"

"What does she have that I don't have?" I asked a little jealous and angry.

"A caring heart, a great personality, a nice attitude and respect for everyone both young and old. But your just the opposite" He said not minding how I will feel. Now I hate Tana more than I hate anything in my life and if I see her anywhere I will surely kill her with my bare hands then feed her body to the birds.

I ran out of the room angrily as little tears dropped down my eyes. Antonio has really hurt my feelings. I saw Jennie and Sofia coming upstairs as I ran downstairs, I guess they were gossiping about me and laughing. After killing Tana I will surely murder Jennie and her mum, they are also a big threat to my relationship with Antonio.


I woke up from a loud noise, I think it was a bullet. I looked around afraid, The old woman suddenly rushed into the room packing some things In a sack.

"What's going on?" I asked her standing from the bed walking towards her.

"They are here, you need to go"

"Who?, Where. I don't get you, am confused"

"Just take this" She handed me the sack. "Brittany!" She said loudly. The puppy came barking.

"Take care of yourself and her" She said holding the puppy as she gave it a hug and kiss on it head.

"Stay safe little angel"  She said as a tear dropped down her cheek.

"You need to start going, they are almost near."

"Who?, Please tell me, am afraid"

"Don't be angel" She said with a soothing motherly voice as she gave me a hug.

"Just take care of yourself, and if you happen to see any of my children tell them I said hi and I love them"

"Where are you going?" I asked still confused.

"Am not going anywhere I will hold them......." She was cut off by a bullet passing through her arm.
She fell to the ground as her hand started bleeding, I immediately bent down holding her.

"Please don't go" I said as tears started streaming down my eyes.

"I'm okay, just go. Shift the bed"

I heard someone starting to shout outside.

"You have ten seconds, we know your in there" It was the ding dong man voice, he sounded angry than before.

"Let go of me Tana, shift the bed. I already let my husband and children out of my sight, am not going to let the same happen to you"

I let go of her sadly, I walked to the bed shifting it as the ding dong man started counting.It was like a wooden door with a handle

"10, 9, 8...."

"Drag the handle" Amanda said holding her arm, I'm really feeling pity for her. I dragged the handle, it was a secret tunnel.

"Brittany get in" She told the dog, the dog started whimpering as it jumped into the tunnel sadly.

"4, 3,...."

"Get in Tana" She shouted.

I got in slowly as Amanda stood up walking to the tunnel.

"Take care" She said as she waved to me. I waved back as I cried a little. I got in the tunnel fully as she shut the door. That's when I heard loud noise of people breaking in the house.

The tunnel led immediately to a place full of bushes and trees. I raised my head up, I looked around I could see the house surrounded with people wearing black. I bent down crawling on the ground following the puppy.

I missed Amanda soo much now, just hours with her and she made me feel like I was her daughter.

I followed the puppy until it stopped at a place that at the center they was a river. It started drinking water from the river.

I sat on the ground, wrapping my hands around my legs and bending my head. I feel like am loosing everyone important in my life. I hope Antonio is okay where ever he is.

I felt some one lick my hands, I raised my head it was the puppy.
It looked like it wanted to cry. I carried it in my hands as it rested on me. Before I knew it we both slept off.

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