The Real Mrs. Smith Part 2

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After an hour we arrived at the hotel. Mrs. Smith wished me good luck and told me to smile always and drove away. I walked inside the hotel with the name *Living Your Life Suites And Hotels* then I walked over to the receptionist.

"Good evening ma"

"Good evening ma, how may I help you" she had a lovely voice I thought.

"Well I'm here to see" i gave her the card that Mrs.Smith had given me.

"Oh, you have an appointment with Mr.James, i will just give him a call to be sure but please what's your name" She gave me pitiful smile.

"Tana ma"

"Thank you" then she called the so called Mr. James.

"Why an appointment?, what appointment do i have with him? I was only here to deliver some goods he ordered, And even the name Mr.James sounded familiar" I said to myself in a whisper.

"I have just confirmed from him and he said you should come, So you go through the stairs then to your left you will find an elevator at the end when you find it you enter and as you get off it the first door by your right"

"Thank you ma"

"Is nothing"

I followed her orders and found myself standing in front of a big black door at first I hesitated to go inside but later I just let go of my fears and knocked on the door. After a few minutes a man in no clothe except for a boxer open the door.

"Hello pretty"

"Ummm......." I was shocked for a minute it was actually the Mr.James i knew( He use to come see Mrs. Smith sometimes, I think they were both in the same business) i never knew he was this hot while seeing him shirtless only wearing a boxer but i removed my gaze from it and got to his eyes."I'm here to deliver the goods you ordered for"

"Oh, the goods i almost forgot but i never knew your aunt was sending you to deliver the goods, Please come inside it will be rude to keep a gorgeous lady like you outside"

"No" I quickly denied. "Thank you, i really need to go" I hated him he always looked at me with  a gaze when ever he came over

"Come on Tana please just stay for a drink and let's talk that's all" he said with a smile.

"Then i will have to call my aunt and tell her"

"Okay then go ahead"

I called my aunt thinking she would say no because I didn't want to stay with a shirtless man but to my surprise she seemed okay with me staying. So i walked inside only planning to stay for at least 6 minutes nothing more nothing less, Mr. James locked the door as I entered and offered me something to drink.

"What would you like to drink Tana"

"Ummm......well just water will do"

"Okay then" he went for a while but came back with one hand a cup of water and the other a cup of wine. "Here you go"


"You look so good today"

"Thank you" I replied with a faint smile.

Mr.James stood from where he sat, came towards me.

"Yes" I said with fear already in my voice.

"Let me just go straight to the point, I started liking you from the day I set my eyes on you" he started carassing my cheeks.

"Please stop this" I shouted as I stood up.

"Stop what darling?" he said with a wicked smile.

"I need to leave now" as I was about to grab my bag he took my hand and drew me closer to his chest.

"And where exactly do you need to go to princess"

"Let me go now Mr.James, you are old enough to be my father......."

He cuts in "And so what"

"I really need you in my life, I love you"

"Help, help"I screamed ignoring what he was saying.

"No one is going to help you" he said as he threw me to the bed🛏️ near and bounced on me with his shirtless body.

"Get off me, someone help help me!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice as I struggled to free my self from his tight grip.

He pulled my dress down "Ummm you even look more gorgeous on the inside than on the outside"

"Get off me bastard" I said

And then I remembered a trick Antonio thought me to use when a guy tried to touch me( who knew it would come in handy) I struggled to release my hand from his grip, gave him a hard punch on his face used my leg to hit his dick he fell on the bed, I got up from the bed and took the vase near me hit it on his head a lot of times as I could until he became unconscious, I pulled my dress up and ran out of the room.

Immediately I got out of the room I ran as fast as I could wanting to go tell Mrs. Smith about Mr. James. I called for a cab and immediately went home. As I stepped into the house with bruises all over my body I went straight to the couch shouting Mrs. Smith name .

"What's wrong?" She asked as she walked down the stairs with an angry expression.

"Mr....ja...James" i tried to catch my breath but Mrs. Smith didn't seem to care she looked worried about something else.

"Did you deliver the goods I asked you to deliver to Mr. James" She looked irritated.

"Yes and....." Before I knew what was happening Mr.James was also coming downstairs. I stood up immediately ready to defend myself. How did he get here so fast?, What's he doing here?, Did he tell Mrs. Smith something wrong about me? Many thoughts ran to my mind as I felt a lot of pain in my head.

"Did you really think you could run away princess" he said.

"You devil, bastardic idiot, Mrs. Smith he..."

She immediately interrupted me
"Isn't that what you were paid to do"

"Paid?" I asked in surprised.

"Do you think you can come Into this house for free and go for free Tana" she spoke with a wicked laugh. "And besides you have a beautiful body so why not make use of it, you should be happy that Mr. James loves you"

"So you were using me?" I asked as my eyes became watery.

Pls like, follow and comment what you think about this story. And for those who stayed up to this chapter thank you much for reading.

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