My Lady(Part 2)

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We were able to make it to my house around 7:55. He parked the car in front of the gate and ordered me not to come down.
You don't have to open the door the bossy voice commanded. Then he came down to open the door for me.

"My Lady" he said with a smile.

"Thank you my King"

I came down from the car as he held my waist.

"You promised to kiss me"

"I did. And when was that" I said.

"What do you mean by that , I can remember clearly when you promise to kiss me today during school period. Don't tell me you can't remember" he said.

"Oh! Do you mean the other time"

"Yes of course" he answered.

"I was only joking with you, i didn't mean it"

"Oh" He gave a look.

"Well if that's the case I am not letting you go unless you give me a goodbye kiss"

He tighten his hands around my waist.

"Okay I will kiss you" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now let me go" i said quickly so I wouldn't get cut by my stepfamily.

"Is that how you kiss? Let me show you"
He pulled me closer to him and crushed his lips to mine.

I couldn't help but to let myself to him, he started kissing my neck slowly as his hands went to my hair, I felt like he was passing a message to me but I wasn't really sure what he wanted. I pushed him back as I blushed freed from the attractive guy.
"Are you crazy?" I asked.
"Why are you so mad I haven't even started" he said. What did he mean? Did he mean sex?

"You know this is where I live, my step family are around and you are here touching me"

"I........( He was about to talk when someone called me from the back)

"Tana!!" A voice  from behind interrupted him.
As I turned to see who it was  I saw my step mom standing looking with envy and hatred in her eyes.

"So this is what you do when I am not around you bring boys to come and sleep with"

"No ma it's not really what it looks like" I tried to explain myself.

"Shut the fuck up you devil chi....."

Before she could finish the sentence Antonio interrupted.

"You don't have the right to shut my girlfriend up and call her a devil" Antonio said with anger defending me.

"Oh so now you even have a stupid boyfriend"

"Antonio please go, we will talk later" I said already panicking and begging Antonio.

"Is this how she treats you, I am not going to leave here until she apologize"

"Excuse me boy or whatever you call yourself but I am not afraid of anyone I will never apologize to you or the devil you are defending" my stepmother replied.

"Antonio I beg you for Christ sake just go" I said while kneeling down and holding his trousers with tears full all over my face. This was certainly not going to end well.

He immediately helped me get up and clean my face with his hands.

"I will go but I am going to get guards to come teach your stepmother a lesson for making you cry" he said while entering the car and leaving in annoyance.

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