Kidnapped 3

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I think I fell asleep or I blanked out. I woke up to find out I'm in a room with my hands and legs tied to the chair am sitting on.

"Where am I?" I asked myself confused. I looked at the window, outside was dark, it must be night already.

"Who could it be?" I asked my self thinking.

I strain my brain calculating. Antonio must be really worried or he might think i left again without saying goodbye. I don't want happen before to happen again.

I started wiggling my body, shaking wildly, I need to try to get away from this people.

The chair fell sideways to the ground causing a loud noise. Great, I just made matters worse for myself.

Am sure the people who brought me here heard the sound and now am on the floor still tied with the chair, this is way unbearable than while the chair hadn't fallen.

"She's awake" I heard someone say from the other end of the door, it sounded like that guy........ I remember everything that happen, it's the same man that rang the door bell, he's also the one who tried to touch me in the van, I wonder who he is working for?

"Let me talk to her first, then you can fuck her all you want" I heard another familiar voice say, I don't want to say it's her because am not sure. Yes her brother already warned me about her( It should be her) , No let me not jump into conclusions.

The door opened slowly and someone walked inside, I bent my head down, I wasn't ready to see the person. I never did anything to her; that's if it was her.

"You imbecile" I heard her say angrily, as she bent down looking at me. It was her, it was truly

"You dare take my man away from me" I felt her hands land on my cheeks, She slapped me hard causing me to shed tears.

"Who do you think you are?" I faced her, our eyes met. "Am talking to you, answer me"

"Your such a monster" I said loudly as I cried. "He doesn't love you, so why force him?" Immediately I said those words, she gave me another slap causing me to bleed on my nose. I faced the other side holding my tears.

"He was mine, until you Came out of the blue and destroyed us"

I wasn't ready to battle or argue with her, I wouldn't gain anything, she's truly a psycho just like her brother said.

She dragged my hair forcefully with her hands and made me look up to her.

"I'm going to make you go through hell and pain. You must die in my hands" She said with a promising look.

"Let's see who will like to marry or date a raped girl like you" She said letting go of my hair and walking out of the room.

After I cried for a while, a man walked in ; it was the man who rang the door bell. I think I will call him door bell man for now. Fear crept into me fastly as the man smiled widely walking close to me.

"We got interrupted on our last encounter, let's continue"

"Don't you dare come close to me" I said angrily.

"Or what, do you want to kill me?" He asked.

"I will, am not a sex toy or prostitute for you to touch"

"But your my prey, and I love preys who are virgins than any other thing in life"

He raised the chair up, untieing my legs and hands.
He immediately dragged my hand pulling me to a bed at the center.

"Let go of me you doorman" I said struggling to get my hand freed from his grip. I won't allow him do any nasty thing to me like Mr. James. Just thinking about him makes me disgusted.

He pushed me to the bed, pinning me there.

"Your my dinner for the night" He said with his devilish smile.

I hit his chest hard but he didn't bulge, he stayed firm like a rock. I kept hitting him until I got tired. He smiled more when he saw I was getting weaker but he didn't know that I can be physically weak but am not mentally weak. I need to use my brain wisely.

He started pulling my trousers down but he stopped when I gave him a slap. He tried to hide the pain but he failed, I use that chance to give him a hard blow on his stomach, then a hard knee kick on his dick. He immediately fell to the other side of the bed holding his dick. That trick always works on any man.

I use the opportunity to run out of the room, they were many doors; it was a hall. I ran to the extreme one, opening it. It was a bedroom, I immediately went into the bathroom locking the door.

What to do next?, What should I do? I thought. I don't have a phone or computer I would have called or chatted with someone. I opened the door a little checking if anyone was there, then I tiptoed into the bedroom looking for any electronic. I searched thoroughly but I didn't get anything. As I walked back I stumbled on something causing ms to fall down, when I turned to see what it was, it was a phone. I took it happily with my injured foot into the bathroom locking it.

I pressed a on button on the phone but DAMN no, the phone was dead, I pressed the on button for a while but it didn't on, it was completely dead. I put the phone in my pocket just in case.

I looked around for any clue. My eyes stopped at the window, I could jump out.

I immediately squeezed my self in the window, falling out on the other side.

I was surrounded my bushes and high trees. I started running, not looking back I need to get away from this place as soon as possible.

Thank you so much to my readers for sticking with me till this very chapter, I love you guys so much🥰💯. Have a wonderful day ❤️❣️.

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