Haunted Past

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"Please smile" Antonio said as he drove. Sofia didn't follow us, she got a call from Stephen so she left with a taxi. I was angry at the act Sylvia mother acted in the sone minutes ago.

"We're not fools" I said as little tears dropped down.

He immediately parked the car at the side of the road. He brought out his phone dialing a number.
"Get my men, we are going for war" He said.

I dragged the phone from his hand speaking into it.

"Hi, please don't listen to him he's just angry" I said calmly as I hanged up the phone.

"I will just do it myself" He said starting the car engine.

"Stop" I told him putting my hands on his that was on the steering wheel.

"No one should make my woman cry" He said firmly.

"Am not crying" I said smiling.

"I know your lying" He said matter of fact.

"Look" I pointed to a building. "Let's go shopping" I gave an idea.

"Shopping?" He asked unsure.

"Yes, please" I begged, blinking my eyes rapidly in a cute way to convince him.

"In one condition" He said.

"What?" I said having a bad feeling for it.

"I get to pick your dresses and underwears"  He said with a mischievous grin.

"Ok" I agreed. He drove a little closer to the mall as he parked.

"Yayy" I said happily as I got out of the car.

"Let's go in fast" I said to Antonio but he looked at me in a weird way, tilting his head a little as he scanned my body.

"Wait" He opened the car and brought out a jacket, he walked up to me as he wrapped it around my waist.

"That's better" He said.

"I seeeeeeeee" I said teasingly. "My husband is being overprotective" We both smiled as we walked in, his hand was on my waist supporting me to walk.

"Hmmm" I said looking around.

"Where should we go first?" I asked Antonio.

"I'm hungry" He said lazily.

"Hungry?. Okay let me see" I scanned the area looking for somewhere to buy food and eat.

"What of there" I pointed.

"They are too many people there" He said.

I looked around, as I saw another one.

"Let's go there" I pointed to another.


I interrupted him. "Please, they sell Africa dishes" I pleaded.

"Okay" He agreed as we walked to the place.

"Good morning Ma" I greeted the lady at the other side of the counter.

"Good Afternoon Miss" She greeted back.


Antonio interrupted. "It's actually Mrs, she's my soon to be wife" He said proudly as I elbowed him in his stomach.

"Oh, my bad. Good Afternoon Mrs" The woman said with a weird face.

"Good Afternoon" I replied.

"Can we have that?" I said pointing to the displayed good on the TV.

"Sure, have a seat it will be delivered shortly" She said nicely.

"Okay" I said dragging Antonio to a seat as we sat down.

"My stomach hurts" He said with a frown.

"Am sure you made her feel somehow" I said a little embarrassed ignoring what he said.

"Are you embarrassed of me?" He asked.

"No, I just said that you shouldn't have said that"

"But your not a Miss, your my future wife"

"How do you know that's even going to happen?" I asked. He looked at me with disbelief.

"So you think our relationship is not going to lead us to get married" He said getting angry.

"That's not what I said" I tried defending myself.

"Then what did you say?" He asked, his voice getting higher.

"Am just saying that the lady might feel bad or wrong" I said.

"Feel bad for what?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes.
"Is it bad that am trying to make the world know that your mine?" He asked.

"Antonio please calm down" I said trying to hold his hand but he removed it, standing up and walking away.

"Antonio" I said also standing up.

"Ma, the food" The lady at the counter walked up to me with trays of food.

"Please package them, I will like to take them to go" I said fastly.

"Antonio" I turned to see where he went to but he was already gone.

I paid the food as I collected the package sadly.

"Where could he have gone to" I said sadly as I walked slowly. I think he might be in the men's room, should I apologize?, I mean I don't see anything wrong in what I said but he does.

As I walked two steps, I started feeling a wave of pain on my right leg, it was increasing. I walked to the nearest shop which was a clothe and shoes shop and entered quickly seating on a chair.

"Ouch" I said in pain. I wish he was here, I didn't mean to hurt him. I could feel my eyes filling with tears. He would have immediately carried me in bridal style and take me to the hospital if he was here. Why did I even cause the argument in the first place?

"Oh my goodness" I head someone say with a little scream.
The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't figure who it was. I turned my head to see the person but the person back was all I saw.

I ignored it, looking outside to see any trace of Antonio.

"Please come" I said already crying, I already miss him so much.

"I love it mum" The voice spoke again, it sounded more familiar. Could it be? No I don't think so, I ignored it again.

"What would you like to buy ma" He middle-aged lady approached me.

"Umm, while for now nothing. Am having a serious pain in my right leg" I told her.

"Okay, do you want me to massage it for you" She asked nicely.

"No, no. Thank you" I said.

"Okay then, I will see you later" She said walking.

"I'm so happy" I heard the voice say as I saw the figure stand in front of me but I couldn't see her face cause she was backing me.

She turned towards me looking at me with wide-shocked eyes.I also looked shocked and sacred a little.

"I thought you were dead" She said looking disgusted. I became angry but I pushed the feeling away, she's not my problem now. I need to find Antonio

"How did you survive?" She asked looking at me from head to toe.

"Not bad" She said touching my hair, but I pushed her hand away with a fierce look.

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