My Lady

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"That's 24" I said while laughing loud.

"What! No it can't be 24" he calculated it again just to be sure.

Look he showed me where he had calculated the question.

"Yes the calculation is right but for the final answer it's 24 because 6 x 4 is 24 but you did 6 x 4 =30".

"Wait" he said while calculating the equation again "Oh my God yes it's 24".

"I told you, I am 99% good when it comes to maths" i said while flipping my hair.

"Everyone makes mistake".

"Well that's why it's good to always check your work when your done so that you know whether you are right or not".

"Okay now look at this we will both solve it and then we will  know whether we are correct or not"I said with a bossy tone in my voice.

           (After Five minutes) 

"Yes I am done" he said with a satisfied voice .

"You are? I think you should check it again. Am almost done".

"Okay am waiting for you" he said while bringing out his phone from his pocket.

"Am done" I said happily.

"I thought you would take up to 10 hours" he said sarcastically.

I couldn't resist smiling from what he said.

"Okay then let's exchange our notes with each other then we can check whether we are correct or not"
"Why don't we forget about the book?" He said while coming close to me and throwing the books on the ground.

"No we can't" i bent down to pick up the books until the big hands grabbed my waist and took me to his legs.

"Hey ! What is wrong with you, the only reason why I came here is to read and to study our notes not for you to romance me" i said trying to put a serious face but was smiling.

"And Is it bad for me to romance an angel like you" he put his right hand on my face and slowly he touched it until he reached down then started staring at me, I couldn't resist his glowing and charming eyes so i stared at him back.

"Antonio, Antonio" a voice behind the door broke the eye contact.

"Yes mum" he said while carrying me back to my posture before and going to open the door.

"Darling am sorry for disturbing you and your friend but I just came to tell you food is ready".

"Thank you mum. I will be down in some minutes" he said and closed the door and came to sit beside me.

"It must be really nice having a caring mother like your mum" i said while thinking deep in my heart why my stepmother will not treat me like the way his mother does.

"Yes it is, My mum is just extra ordinary. (Sighs) Am sorry about your mum" he said as if he knew what I was thinking.

"No it's okay" he could see tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You know it's not bad for you to be my girlfriend" he said while using one of his shoulder to hit me and trying to make me smile.

"Hey" i said while smiling "what do you mean by your girlfriend how does it have to do with anything about what we are talking about"
"Well it really does because when I become King Antonio of Starweil you will be my Lady" he said with seriousness and boldness in his eyes.

The Cinderella LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora