Misunderstood 2

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"I can't believe I trusted her"  Antonio said throwing the files on his desk to the floor.

"She's such a liar" He shouted hitting his fist on the desk.

"Are you alright?" Jennie asked as she came into the room. Since I brother got home he's been behaving angry.

"Get out" he said angrily pointing to the door.

"I'll go call mum" she said going out of the room.


"He just misunderstood the situation" Sylvia said patting my back, I was still crying in the bathroom.
"Come on, get up"

"No, I want to stay here"

"Stop being stupid, sitting and crying won't do you any good"

"Then what will?"

"Well, ummm.....if you...I mean. The man that you were talking to, he might help us" She looked like she was thinking of many excuses.

"How would he help us?"

"He could tell Antonio that you too are just friends and were hanging out"

"But they're not in good terms, I don't think he will believe what he or I says. He's really angry and I think disappointed"

"This why I remain single" she said out of frustration.

"What of michael?"

"This is about you not me" she tried to change the topic I was bringing up.

"Get up, let's go. I have a plan" she said walking out of the bathroom.

I wiped my tears with my hand, holding the tears threatening to fall and walking out of the bathroom.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Carlos standing there. He must have been waiting for me to come out of the bathroom.

"Am sorry, please come sit down" he grabbed my hand taking me to a sit and I sat.

"I didn't really mean to..." He stopped, he might look remorseful but deep in his eyes I could see he wanted to laugh and a sign of pity. Maybe the pity was for me and the laugh was for Antonio. He really does hate him.

"I will talk to him" he finally said after minutes of silence between us.

"Thank you" That was all that came out of my mouth, right now I wasn't in the mood to talk, I just wanted to go home and cry while hugging my pillow.

"I will go now, take care of yourself" he said waving at me, I waved back and he walked out of the bakery.


"Am not talking mum, just let me be"

"Just tell me, I'm sure I can give you advice"

"Your advice won't work"

"It's tana right?"

"Please don't mention her name"

"Why?, I know you still love her dearly"

"I don't!"

"I'm your mum, you can tell me anything. Especially when it comes to relationships"

"Mum please go"

"Oh, your chasing your own mother who carries you mine months"

"Fine" He sighed " I was suppose to meet her in the bakery but when i got there I saw her with Carlos. His hand was on top of hers and I heard him say' Be my woman for a year 'as she smiled to him"

"So your jealous. Antonio your still growing and before ny relationship must work you must trust each other no matter what you see or hear except if you have a tough prove the other can't deny unless the person says it or admit. Just because you saw her with another doesn't mean she's cheating or using you. I have also seen you with a lot of girls who hold you in the hand but you guys are just friends"

"I just want you to think of your actions today, also think of what Tana is facing right now. You know she's an emotional person. Am not going to say what you did today was wrong because you were only jealous and that's a sign of love, If I were in your shoes and I saw your father with another woman I would have had a fight with him to"

"Thank you" Antonio said, he was so grateful to have his mum by his side since his dad was still angry with him.

"What of dad, how's he doing?"

"His okay, and I know he misses you but his too stubborn to admit it same as you"

"Am not stubborn" he argued.

"Yes you are, your just like your father" He just laughed at what his mother said, she is right about that, he's as stubborn as he's father.

"Antonio someone is here to see you" Jennie shouted loudly from downstairs.

"Sure" he shouted back to her.

He took his mum hand held her In a bride-way and walked downstairs.

"What are you doing here?" He asked angrily after seeing who was sitting on the couch.

"Calm down brother" Carlos said with a hint of laugh In his voice.

"Good afternoon ma" Carlos said standing and bowing his head down a little.

"Good afternoon Carlos, long time"

"Yes, how are you doing?"
Antonio kept eyeing and scoffing at Carlos, he's suddenly behaving nice like he's a good gentleman. If not for the fact his mum is here he would have pounced on Carlos.

"I'm fine mum, what of you?"

"Hey" Antonio said pointing a finger at Carlos. He didn't even allow his mum to speak.
"Don't you dare call her mum"

"Why?, Don't tell me you want to get angry like the way you did in the bakery"

"Get the f**k out of my house!"

"No!" Carlos said sitting back on the couch comfortably to make Antonio more angry. A smirk was forming on his face.

"I know what your doing and it's not going to work, so if you know what's best for you get out"

"Chillax bro, I only came to tell you that your babe is weeping like a small child because of your stupid act and words you shown in the bakery. I told her I will talk to you about it so that's why am here"

"Are you done?" Antonio asked not minding what Carlos was saying, he sat down on the opposite couch to Carlos, he's mum had gone to the kitchen to help Jennie to cook.

"Nope, the only reason why I came to meet her was the fact my sister is planning an attack on her, my sister wants to make a slow and painful death for her all because of her so called love for you" Antonio bursted into laughing, somehow he didn't believe anything Carlos said.

"You just made that up to fool me or to make me angry right?"

"No" Carlos face turned serious. "I'm only telling you this cause I care for your babe, My sister is a real psycho" He said getting up and walking out of the door. He had said his own, it was up to Antonio to either believe him or not.

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