Author's Note

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Salam alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa barakatuh...

To my dear readers,

Thank you for taking the time to read my story! This is my first ever Islamic story, and I hope you enjoy it. I know it's a bit of a coming-of-age tale, but I think that's what makes it so special.

The main character, Taliha, is an introvert who has to overcome her past trauma and disorder in order to become the person she was meant to be. Along the way, she meets a guy who changes her life in ways she never thought possible

Even though they had a rough start, Taliha and this guy eventually become close friends. They learn from each other and help each other grow as people. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I can tell you that their friendship is one of the most important aspects of the story.

According to Surah Lukman [31:6], it says;
"There are among men who purchase idle tales without knowledge or meaning to mislead men..."

I want to apologize in advance if I wrote anything inappropriate in this book. I only wish to share messages that are beneficial and instructive. May Allah forgive me. Please remember that I am human and that I may make mistakes.

I really hope you enjoy reading this story and that you find it meaningful and enjoyable. I tried my best to create a relatable and inspiring tale, and I hope it touches your heart in some way.

It's a must-read.

I wrote this book to spread important lessons and values. I hope it can help people of all backgrounds find hope and strength. I want to inspire confidence and dispel misconceptions about love. To also celebrate the strength and resilience of single mothers, and to encourage readers to persevere through difficult times. I also hope to inspire faith and hope, and to challenge misconceptions about love. I hope this book can make a real impact on the lives of all who read it.

This book is also a celebration of single mothers, with a message of hope, faith, and resilience. There are several Quranic quotes inside as well since it's Islamic based, Alhamdulilah. [Q37:70]

Please respect the originality of this work - no plagiarism allowed!

All Rights Reserved.

Note: The story contains British and Turkish terms.

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Thanks again for choosing my story!😍❤️

Thanks again for choosing my story!😍❤️

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