Scarlet Fever Tears ~ Luke

Start from the beginning

Luke was shivering and emotional and kept waking up, needing to be cuddled.

Both of them were absolutely shattered.

"Where's Lukey Poodles this morning?" Michael asked as he threw together some clothes to get ready for breakfast in the hotel.

"I know right, I haven't seen him all morning." Calum pointed out as he dried his hair with a towel.

"Maybe he's gone for a walk?" Ashton suggested as he took a look outside the window.

"Not in that weather. Definitely not." Calum confirmed. Luke never was a morning person, let alone a morning person that may take a walk in the rain before breakfast.

"Well, I'm going to head to the buffet. Maybe he's there already." Michael suggested, it wasn't the worst theory but it definitely wasn't the right one.

"Sounds good...actually perhaps we should give Liz a visit. She might know where her own son is, maybe he's microchipped or something?" Ashton joked.

Although it wasn't a bad idea.

Once all the boys were dressed they headed out into the hallway, stopping outside Liz's hotel room to check on their Tour Mum.

Ashton was the designated person to knock and do the speaking.

Liz was sat on the edge of the bed drinking coffee as she watched her poor baby sleeping, he would often shiver and whine in discomfort.

That was until she heard a knock at her door, she took her mug and went to see who was there.

"G'day Liz." Ashton said, in a very chipper voice.

"Morning Ash, how are you boys?" Liz asked as she turned to the group of teenagers at her door.

"Very good, thanks Liz." Calum replied.

"Not too bad, yourself?" Michael asked.

"Quite tired today, actually." Liz replied whilst yawning.

"Well we were just about to grab some breakfast, after we find Luke of course, have you seen him anywhere? We can't find him." Ashton asked her.

Liz just opened the door wider and revealed the sick boy in her bed.

"Luke's not feeling very well, he came and slept with me last night." Liz told them as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Aww, sorry to hear that. Do you think he'll feel better once he's had some breakfast? We have to get ready soon. " Ash asked, everyone else came close to see their fallen brother.

"Oh yeah, you have that interview today. I should probably wake him up." Liz said, putting down her coffee and heading over to her son, lightly running her hand over his back.

"Lukey...wake up." She said softly, Luke whimpered and curled up into a tight ball, still shivering.

Broken hearts all round!

"Mum, I-I feel sick." Luke whined sadly.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetie. Think you can manage some breakfast?" Liz asked him, he shook his head and wrapped his arms around his abdomen.

"My tummy hurts really bad." He replied, starting to cry again.

"Sorry to hear that, Mate. Please don't cry!" Michael said as he sat down next to him, pulling his head into his chest.

The rest of the boys followed, surrounding Luke in one big group hug.

Luke could definitely feel the love, but it didn't help his symptoms one bit. He felt a whole lot worse than last night.

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