suprise proposal

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In 2x27

Ellen and Patrick had met before Grey's, they have been together for five years. They are currently filming 2x27

Ellen and Patrick were currently in their trailer, getting ready for their next scene. Ellen knew that something was off with Patrick. In the last weeks he has been more absent and quiet. Patrick tried to do his tie but his hands were shaking too much. “El, can you help me please?” Patrick asked as he walked up to the kitchen where Ellen was at the moment. “Yeah of course. You okay?” Ellen asked as she helped him with his tie. “Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?” Patrick asked nervously. “You have been acting weird the last few weeks. Is there something you wanna tell me?” “No, there's nothing.” Patrick whispered as Ellen finished tying his tie. “Yeah sure..” She whispered. “Just tell me what’s wrong Pat, I can help you.” She said as she stood in front of him. “El, I can't tell you..” He whispered. Ellen rolled her eyes and left the trailer. Patrick sighed and went with his hand through his hair, before he left the trailer as well.

They began to film, Patrick was dancing with Kate and Ellen with Chris. “You ready?” Kate asked quietly, Patrick nodded. “She is going to say yes.” Kate assured him. “I hope so..” Patrick sighed. “She will, now we have to be quiet. Let the show begin..” Kate chuckled. 


“We have to film your fighting scene once again. The camera angle wasn't good.” Shonda yelled. Everyone got back on their spots and began. 

Patrick ran down the aisle, Trying to catch Ellen. “Meredith.” Patrick yelled. “Leave me alone.” She replied. “I just wanna make sure you are alright.” Patrick sighed. “No I'm not alright okay. Are you satisfied? I'm not alright. Because you have a wife, and you called me a whore and our Dog died. And now you are looking at me. Stop looking at me.” Ellen yelled. Patrick shortly looked at Shonda who nodded, she directed the cameras directly on them. “I don’t have a wife, at least not now.” Patrick whispered and stepped closer to Ellen. “Wha-Pat that's not your line.” She said as she looked at Shonda as she turned back she saw Patrick kneeling on one knee in front of her. “Pat.” She gasped. “Ellen, cinque anni fa ho incontrato l’amore della mia vita. Nel mio momento peggiore, ho avuto modo di conoscerti. Mi hai salvato. Non so se sarei ancora qui se non fosse stato per te. Sei tutto per me. Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore. Sei la mia ragione per andare avanti, grazie a te sono vivo. Sei la donna piu' fantastica che abbia mai conosciuto. Vuoi rendermi l’uomo più felice del mondo e diventare mia moglie?” Patrick asked in Italian. (Ellen, five years ago I met the love of my life. In my worst time, I got to meet you. You saved me. I don't know if I would still be here if it wasn't for you. You are my everything. I love you with all my heart. You are my reason to keep going, because of you I'm alive. You are the most amazing woman I've ever met. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?). “Non voglio nient’altro che diventare tua moglie.” (I don’t want anything more than to become your wife.) Ellen said as tears ran down her cheeks, Patrick smiled widely at Meredith before he stood up and shakily slid the ring on her finger. “I love you.” Patrick whispered before he pulled her into his arms after kissing her deeply. Everyone started cheering for them. “Since when can you speak Italian?” Ellen asked as they pulled away. “I began to learn it when we visited your family.” “That was over a year ago.” She gasped. “I know, I asked your dad for permission to marry you, after he agreed I began to learn Italian.” He whispered in reply. “God, you are so amazing..” She whispered. After a while Shonda came over to them. “Hey, I just wanted to ask you something. So I have an idea in my mind. What if we put the engagement into the episode, but at the end. You could tell our fans that you are engaged in that way.”. Patrick looked at Ellen and smiled. “I love this idea so much.” He said and Ellen replied with a big smile. “Okay then we will leave it in the episode. You can go home now, you have the day off tomorrow.” Shonda smiled. Patrick grabbed Ellens hand. They got changed and went home.

Time jump when the episode airs. (Let's just pretend, Phones were like today then and had all of the social Media)

Patrick and Ellen laid together in bed watching TV. Since Patrick wasn't feeling very well he had his head laid down on Ellen's bare chest. She gently stroked his hair with one hand while she held her phone in the other hand. “The fans are going crazy over the promo and the secret they get after the episode.” Ellen said as she saw the Twitter comments. “They should be. Surprise's very good..” He muttered as he buried his face deeper into her chest and closed his eyes. “You still have a fever Pat. I will grab you some tylenol.” Ellen said as she began to stand up, only to be held back by Patrick. “Stay, wanna cuddle..” He whispered. “But Paddy you have a fever.” She replied as she laid back down, kissing his head gently. “Don’t care. Wanna stay awake for Grey's.” “I can wake you, when the dancing scene starts.” Ellen suggested and felt how he nodded against her chest but before she could stand up, she heard small snores from him, she chuckled to herself and continued watching TV while stroking his hair. 

“Honey, wake up.” Ellen whispered as the dancing scene began. “Hm what's wrong?” He asked, still half asleep. “The dancing scene is beginning.” She chuckled at his sleepy form. “Where we're staring at each other or where I'm running after you?” He asked. he still had his eyes closed. “Where you are running after me.” She whispered. “You look hot in that scene, especially when you yelled at me.” Patrick said in a raspy flirty voice as he kissed her stomach. “I could see your hands shaking, but we fought before we filmed so I thought it was because of that.” She giggled. “I was so nervous.” He chuckled as he opened his eyes and sat up a bit to look into her eyes. “I can imagine. I love you.” She said lovingly. “I love you even more.” He smiled and moved to kiss her cheek but she moved her head so their lips met. “I don't want you to get sick.” He told her. “I don't care. You are my fiance, when we get sick, then we get it together.” She laughed, Patrick laughed along with her. They talked for a bit and didn't even realize that the episode was over. “Dear Fans, we have a big announcement to make.” Shonda said as her face appeared on the screen. They showed Ellen saying her line and how the confusion washed over her face when Patrick said the wrong line. Patrick was on one knee and when Ellen faced him again she froze. “It's so amazing to see that again..” Ellen whispers. “It is honey. It is.” Patrick replied as he watched himself speaking Italian. After the screen went back Ellen turned off her phone. Patrick climbed on top of her and cuddled into her chest. “You remember the Sex we had after?” Ellen asked with a raised eyebrow. “No, I think I need a reminder.” Patrick whispered huskily as he sucked on her neck.


“You feeling okay?” Ellen asked as she felt Patrick's forehead, which was still warm, while panting. “I'm freezing, but you are my heater.” Patrick whispered as he pulled the covers over their naked bodys and cuddled into her neck. 

This was written by Greys_Leonie_MerDer !!!!

I was gonna add smut but I'm out of inspo for it rn so😭

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