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"I'm nervous!" I whine as Kate brushes through my hair. "Its a first date.. not the end of the world" she rolls her eyes.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke" I say. She chuckles. "I can't- ughhh" I stand up, pacing around the room. "I don't- Oh! Call patrick.. he'll calm you down" she says. "No" I say.

She calls patrick and throws the phone at me. I put it to my ear. "Hey" he says. "I'm nervous" I say. "Why?" He asks.

"I am not good on first dates.. and I haven't had a first date in.. a year.. a year!" I pace around the room.

"Calm down" he says. "That's not helpful!" I exclaim. He laughs. "Shut up!" I whine.

"What you wearing?" He asks. "A dress" I say. "What colour?" He asks. "Red" I say. "You look good in red" he says. I smile. "Paddy help.. calm me down" I say.

"Well your.. date.. you like him right?" He asks. "A lot" I smile. "Then you'll be fine" he says. "Right" I say.

"You're still freaking out aren't you?" He asks. "Yeah" I say. "If you're that nervous Why don't you.. cancel?" He asks. "No!" I exclaim. "..Okay" he chuckles.

"I- I'm okay.. really.. I'm okay but I need to do my makeup" I say. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yeah" I say. "Okay.. bye" he says. "Bye paddy" I hang up.

I do my makeup and go downstairs, grabbing all my stuff together. The doorbell rings. I run to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

"Wow you look handsome.." I smile. He's wearing black trousers, a red button up shirt and a black coat. "You look stunning" he says. I smile. I move closer, kissing him softly on the cheek.

"Thanks for calming me down" I smirk. He chuckles softly. "Come on" he holds my hand. "Wait" I giggle, trying to catch up to him in my heels as he pulls me towards his car.

"Why are you wearing heels? You know you can hardly walk in them" he says. "To look sexy for you" I smirk. He chuckles softly. "You always look sexy" he smirks. I grin.

He opens the door for me. "Thankyou" I smile, getting in. He closes the door, going around to his side. He gets in.

"Are you still nervous?" He asks. "No.. I'm with you now.. you keep me calm" I grin. "Why were you stressed.. you're only going out with me" he entwines our fingers.

"Everything stresses me out" I chuckle. "Yeah, I know.. you call me everytime you get stressed" he grins. I giggle.

"I'm talking to you now as your best friend.. not your date" I say. He nods. "I just don't want this to go bad What if- what if we start dating and- and it ends badly and then just like that.. we're can't talk anymore" I say.

"Wh-" he says. "Best friend" I say. "Right.. um.. we'll even if it does end.. and we stop dating.. I will always be your best friend.. and I'll always love you and will be there for you" he says. "You promise?" I say. "I promise" he says. I smile.

"Okay now as your date.. can I kiss you?" He raises his brow. I grin, nodding. We lean into eachother. I reach my hands up, running my fingers through his hair as we kiss passionately.

We pull away slowly. I kiss him one more time, smiling as I sit back down straight. "Anyway.. why wouldn't it work between us?" He holds my hand again as he starts driving the car. "I don't know" I smile, looking at him.

"Where are we going?" He asks. "Wha- you're driving" I giggle. "Where do you want me to drive?" He chuckles. "Your apartment" I say. "Really?" He smirks. "Shutup" I giggle. He drives to his apartment.

We walk into his apartment. I jump onto his bed. "Bed already?" He smirks. "Shut up.. just come and sit next to me" I giggle. He sits next to me.

"What movie?" I ask. "You choose" he says. I pick up the remote and put on a movie.

dempeo/merder oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now