you chose me?

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Me and patrick have been best friends for years, ever since we were just 15. We're now 23. I very recently started dating someone. His name is johnathon. He's nice but he doesn't like Partick, which kinda bugs me but I can't really do anything about it.

I giggle as me and patrick walk down the drive to my house. We went out together for a few drinks. "Stop it!" I grab onto him, squealing as he pushes me playfully into a Bush next to my house.

We're a little bit- okay.. very drunk. I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck to hold myself up. He laughs, holding me up.

"These heels are hard to walk in" I stumble slightly. "Its because you are.. drunk!" I squeal as he picks me up bridal style. He walks me to the front door. Both of us are laughing a lot.

The door opens. He puts me down. "Jonathan.. what are you doing here?" I ask. "You invited me" he says. "Oh yeah" I giggle.

The cab honks. "I bet- better go" patrick slurs. "Okay.. bye Paddy text me l-later when.. to tell me when you got home okay" I hug him. "I will" he chuckles softly.

I pull away. I kiss him on the cheek. He walks away. "What the hell was that?" Johnson says. "What?" I furrow my brows.

The next day:
I wake up in the morning with a massive hangover. Me and johnathon argued for hours last night until he finally just went home.

There's a knock on my bedroom door. "Johnathon?" I say. "Patrick" patrick grins, walking into the room.

"Oh hey" I smile. He climbs into bed next to me. I pull the covers up so he can get under. "Hi" he says. He passes me a coffee. "Mm thankyou" I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yesterday was fun" he chuckles softly. "It was.. until I got home" I say. "Why?" He asks. "Johnathon thinks I'm cheating on him.. with you" I say. He laughs. "It it not funny" I giggle, hitting him. "It is a little bit funny" he says.

"I told him.. I've known you since we were 15.. if something was gonna happen.. it would've happened by now" I say. "Mm" he nods. We look into eachothers eyes. I break eye contact, taking the coffee.

"Something did happen.." he says. "No it d- when?" I ask. "When we were 15" he says. "Ugh not this again" I roll my eyes. "You kissed me" he grins.

"Yes.. I kissed you.. you never asked me out.. I got my first heartbreak.. it was hilarious" I roll my eyes.

"I did not break your heart" he says. "You did.. my 15 year old self was so in love with you.." I say. "You were not" he says. "Why don't you believe me?" I giggle.

"You know the only reason I didn't ask you out was because of your brother" he says. "What?" I look at him. "Remember a few days.. after you kissed me.. I had a black eye" he says.

I gasp. "he did that?" I say shocked. "Uhuh.. he saw us kissing.. after you left he threatened me.. I was 15.. he was 18 so I was.. well, scared as fuck" he chuckles. "I can't believe that" I say.

I look at him. "Well.. it was for the best.." I say "right?" I look into his eyes. "..right" he says. "Anyway.. then we broke up" I say. "What?" He looks at me.

"Me and johnathon.. he told me I could either stop talking to you or we'd break up" I say. "You chose me?" He says. "Of course" I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You didn't have to do that" he says. "You wanted me to just.. never speak to you again?" I look at him. "No.. but.. I feel bad" he says. "Why?" I ask. "You shouldn't have to break up with your boyfriend because of me" he says.

"Its not just because of you.. he should trust me" I say. "I can't blame him.." he says. "You think I'd cheat?" I ask. "No.. of course not.. but.. I mean.." he says. "What?" I say.

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