moody paddy

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Me and patrick have been sleeping together for a few weeks. We haven't really talked about what this means for us so we're kinda just.. friends? I want to talk about it but I don't want to be the one to bring it up, incase he doesn't want to be anything more. I do. We haven't told the rest of the cast but I think they know.

Me, Eric, Patrick and Kate are sat in the break room talking. "I can't believe it's our last day of filming season 2" I say. "I know" patrick says. "Will you miss me?" I tease, hitting his arm playfully. "No" he says. I giggle.

"Yes he will" eric says. "No- how do you know?" He says. "Because you love her" he teases. I grin. "aww" I elbow him playfully. "Shut up" he says.

"I love you too" I grin. I kiss him on the cheek. "Shut up" he says, wiping his cheek. I giggle. "It's so fun winding you up" I grin, running my fingers through his hair. He hits my hand away. I laugh.

"We should take some pictures to post on insta for the fans" Kate says. "Yes!" I say. "No" patrick says. Kate gets out her phone.

"Paddy take a picture with me pleeeaasseee" I say. "No" he says. "Pleeeaasseeee" I say. "Fine.. one" he says. I grin. I move closer to him.

"Kiss" I point at my cheek. "Seriously?" He says. "Seriously" I giggle. He goes in to kiss me on the cheek. I turn my face quickly, kissing him on the lips. Kate takes a picture.

"Ahh ew" he pulls away, wiping his lips. We all laugh. "Why did you do that" he groans. I giggle as he pulls me onto his lap, tickling me playfully. "Stop stopppp" I giggle.

He chuckles, stopping. I try to catch my breath. He grins. "You were being moody" I grin. "I'm tired.. and you're annoying me" he says. "I'm annoying you?" I say. He raises his brow. I giggle.

"Will you miss me really?" I wrap my arms around his neck. "A little" he says. "I'll miss you a lot" I smile. "I'll miss you too.. a lot" he whispers. I grin.

My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket, looking. Kate tagged me in an Instagram post. I giggle, looking at it. I show patrick the picture of him kissing me. He groans. "Ass" he says to kate. She chuckles. I giggle.

"Don't be moody again" I say. "She's winding me up" he says. I giggle, standing up. "Come on let's go back to the trailer" I grin, holding his hand, pulling him up.

"What you gonna do there?" Eric smirks. I stick my middle finger up at him. They laugh as I pull patrick out of the room. We get into the hallway. "Why you being moody?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm stressed" he groans. "About what?" I run my fingers through his hair. He sighs. "I-" he looks into my eyes "nothing" he says. I furrow my brows. I want to ask again but decide not to push.

"You want me to make you feel better?" I smirk. He smirks, nodding. I grin, holding his hand. We walk to our trailer. I close the door behind me. I turn to face him.

I kiss him passionately. He gently backs me up against the door, kissing me back hungrly. I hastily undo his trousers before pulling his shirt over his head.

He pulls off my dress and I pull down his trousers. He kicks them off. We stumble back, making out hungrly as we go into the bedroom. He pulls off my bra and panties as I pull down his boxers. We kick them off before I push him back onto the bed, climbing ontop of him.

I lean down to him, kissing him neck. I start sucking on his skin. He runs his fingers through my hair, down my body to my waist. I pull away slowly, biting my lip. I smile as he flips us over, hovering over me.

"Hey.. I'm supposed to be making you feel better" I smile as he starts kissing my neck. He kisses up my jawline. "Pleasuring you makes me happy" he whispers huskily in my ear. I bite my lip, smiling.

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