party pt1

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We're in class. I wait for the teacher to leave before standing up. "Everyone.. I have an announcement to make!" I stand on my chair. I smile as meredith giggles at me.

"Get on with it then" Mark says. Everyone laughs. "I'm having a party at my house tonight.. everyone's invited" I say. Everyone cheers. "I'll bring the booze" Mark says.

"Derek shepherd get off of that chair" the teacher walks back in. Everyone laughs as I fall off of the chair. I stand back up and sit back down quickly. I wink at meredith jokingly. She giggles, looking away.

At the end of class I catch up to meredith in the hallway. She's leaning against the lockers. "Hey" I say. She looks at me. She drops all of her paper and books onto the floor. I chuckle.

We both bend down to pick them up. "Ow" she says as she bangs her head against mine. I chuckle. She giggles, rubbing her head. We stand back up and she puts her books in her locker.

"So, are you coming to my party?" I step closer to her. She steps back, leaning against the lockers. "I'm not sure.. you live kinda far away from me" she says quietly.

I look into her eyes. She blushes hard, breaking eye contact. "Am I making you nervous?" I grin.

"Why are you talking to me?" She asks. "I like you" I grin. "You do?" She looks into my eyes. I smile, nodding. "Why?" She asks. "You're cute" I say. She giggles.

"Fine.. fuck the party.. let's us just go somewhere together" I press my body against hers. She looks into my eyes. "Wha- it's your party" she giggles. "I'd rather hang out with you" I breathe against her lips.

"No you wouldn't" she shakes her head. "Please" I smile. She moves her face closer, her lips brushing against mine. "Hey clumsy" Mark says. I chuckle, pulling away. I look at Mark.

"Did I just hear you say you're cancelling the party?" He asks. "No, you can still have the party.. I just won't be there" I say.

Meredith hums. I look at her. "No, let's go.. but you have to pick me up" she holds my hands. "Yeah?" I ask. She nods.

Mark walks away. I look at meredith. "You want me to walk you home?" I ask. She smiles, nodding. I look down, entwining our fingers. We walk out of the school.

We're walking down the streets, to her house hand in hand, talking. "My mom would hate you" she says. "Thanks" I say. She giggles.

"My mom hates everyone.. and my dad left when I was younger" she says. "A girl with daddy issues.. great" I say jokingly. She giggles. "Shut up" she says.

"My mom loves everyone.. and so did my dad.. he died when I was younger" I say. "I'm sorry.. how- how did he die?" She asks. "He was shot" he says.

"So.. you're a boy with daddy issues?" She says. I look at her. She bites her lip. I laugh. She smiles.

We arrive at her house. She stops. I look at her. "You know what? You wanna go now? Somewhere else" she asks. "Where were you thinking?" I smile. She leads me into the woods behind her house.

"Are you going to murder me or something?" I say. She chuckles. "Nope" she says. We stop at a big log. We sit down. She turns to face me. I hold her hands, looking into her eyes. She smiles.

"Why do you like me?" She asks. "A bet between me and my friends" I shrug. She looks shocked and hurt. I smile. "Oh" she giggles, hitting me. I chuckle.

We look into eachothers eyes. I put my hands on her cheeks. She leans closer. I kiss her deeply. She puts her hands on my cheeks, kissing me back.

I grab her legs, pulling her ontop of me so she's straddling me. She giggles against my lips before deepening the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I wrap my arms around her waist. We pull away slowly. She smiles. She kisses me again. "Meredith grey!" Someone says. We pull away. "Mother" meredith groans. She gets up. Merediths mom is stood down the path.

"Okay come on" meredith whispers, holding my hand. "Oh we're going over there?" I raise my brow. She giggles, nodding.

"Nuhuh" I say. "Oh we have to.. she's seen you now and trust me you don't want to suffer the wrath of Ellis grey" she grins. We walk over to her. "Hey mom" she says.

"Who's this?" Ellis asks. "This is derek.. he was just walking me home.. we got lost" she says. I chuckle softly.

"Hes not doing a very good job finding the house.. unless it's in your mouth" she says. Meredith giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Does derek want to come in for a bit?" She asks. "Really?" Meredith says. "Sure.. I'm going to the hospital" she says. "Oh.. of course" meredith mumbles.

Ellis walks away and gets in her car, driving away. She sighs. "You Don't need to be anywhere, right?" She asks. I shake my head. We walk into her house.

"You're- we're going to my room?" She asks quietly as I lead her upstairs. "Yep" I say. "O- okay" she mumbles. I open her room door. I gasp. "What?" She giggles. "Its pink" I say. She blushes.

"Your room is pink" I say. "Shut up" she giggles. "Let's have a look.." I go over to her bookshelf. "No no no no no" she holds my hands, pulling me back to her.

"Okay then" I smirk. She giggles as I wrap my arms around her, pushing her onto the bed with me between her legs. I kiss her passionately. She moans against my lips, putting her hands on my cheeks as we turn over so she's ontop of me.

"Meredith!" The front door opens. She pulls away. "My mom" she whispers. "I thought she left?" I say. She shrugs. "Come on.. let's go" she gets up. I get up.

She holds my hand. I chuckle as we climb out of the window, climbing down a ladder to the floor. "You're crazy" I say. She giggles. "Let's get a cab to your house" she says. "Party?" I smirk. She grins, nodding.

1060 words

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