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I wake up to a bright light shining infront of me. Derek isn't next to me in bed. I sit up slightly and see that he's at his desk, with the lamp on, reading.

"Derek can you turn that off.. you woke me up" I say. "I'm busy.. just go back to sleep" he says. "I can't go to sleep when there's a light shining in my fucking eyes!" I yell. "Turn around then" he says calmly. "You know I can't sleep on that side" I say.

"Stop being stupid and go to sleep" he says. "Fuck you.. you're the one who's reading at 3 o clock in the morning!" I yell. "Oh for fucks sake.. I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight.. I'll see you in the morning" he says. He walks out of the room, turning the light off on the way out.

I sigh, laying back down. I look at the ceiling. I hate this. I hate that our marriage has come to this. It's my fault. I'm so cranky all the time and I take it out on him.

I gasp, sitting up quickly. I grab my phone. Its the 23rd. Its his fucking birthday. I forgot. I fucking forgot. I sigh. I feel so bad for shouting at him. I get out of bed, pulling off my pyjamas and putting on one of his favourite shirts instead.

I walk Into the guest room. He doesn't look at me. He's sat at the desk, reading. I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, kissing his cheek. "I'm really really sorry" I kiss his neck, running my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry too" he holds my hand, pulling me onto his lap.

"You forgot didn't you?" He says. "I'm really.. really.. really.. sorry" I say between kisses. "Its fine" he says. "No seriously.. I'm so sorry.. I've been so moody with you lately.. I've just been stressed lately and I've been taking it out on you and I shouldn't.." I say.

"I'm sorry for waking you up" he says. "Its okay honey.. what were you doing?" I ask. "I was just reading that book you were talking about the other day" he says. I look at the book.

"You said it sounded stupid" I say. "I- I thought we could talk about it after I finished reading it" he says. My eyes well up with tears.

"What?" He strokes my cheek with his thumb. "You're so nice to me and I've been such a bitch to you lately.. I'm sorry" I say tearfully. "Its okay baby.. you've been stressed.. I get it" he says.

"Did you like the book?" I ask. "Yeah.. don't spoil the ending though" he says. I smile. "I love you" I put my hands on his cheeks, kissing him passionately. "I love you too" he smiles.

"Happy birthday" I say. He smiles. I wrap my arms around his waist, snuggling my face into his neck. "Can you read to me?" I whisper. "Sure" he smiles. He reads to me until I fall asleep in his arms.

she falls asleep in my arms. I wrap both my arms around her, picking her up gently. I take her back to our room. I gently lay her onto the bed. I turn off the light before getting under the covers next to her.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into my embrace. "I love you" i whisper. I kiss her on the nose. I snuggle my face against hers, falling asleep.

I wake up in the morning In dereks arms. I kiss him softly on the lips. He's still asleep. I gently move out of his embrace, standing up. I walk out of the room.

I get all the ingredients for a cake out of the cupboards and fridge. I don't have a recipe so I just guess how much stuff I'm supposed to use. I mix it all together and put it in the oven.

I then pull out the stuff for pancake mix and make some pancakes. This, I do have a recipe for. I make them and put all of his favourite toppings on. I make him a coffee aswell, putting it on a tray and going upstairs. I put the tray on the bedside table. He's still asleep.

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