the prom ep bts

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Me and patrick are in our trailer. We're both going over our lines for our next scene. The exam room scene. "You ready?" He asks. "Uhuh" I say. I put dont the script. "You nervous?" He smirks. "No" I grin. "I'd be nervous if I were you" he says. "And why is that?" I chuckle. "Because if I had to do a sex scene with such an incredibly handsome, dreamy.. modest-" he says. I giggle. "Guy then.. I'd be nervous" he says. "Is that right?" I laugh. "Mmm" he grins. "I think I'll be fine" I chuckle. "We'll see" he smirks. I shake my head, chuckling. "We've gotta go to hair and makeup" I say. We stand up, walking to the door. We walk outside the trailer, through the parking lot. "Are you nervous?" I smirk. "No" he grins. "Feeling confident are we?" I raise my brow. "Some girls would find my confidence attractive" he smirks. "Shame I'm not one of them" I tease "I'm immune to the dempsey charm" I chuckle. "Oh are you now?" He grins. I nod. He steps infront of me. I stop walking. He raises his brow. "I am" I say. "How about when I do this.." he moves his hand up to my face, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Yeah" I say. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. He steps closer to me. My breathing gets kinda shaky. "What about this?" He leans in, our faces centimetres apart. Just as our lips are about to touch, he pulls away quickly. I let out a breath. He chuckles. "Asshole" I hit him playfully on the arm. "Oh I'm sorry.. did you think I was gonna kiss you?" He smirks. "You're gonna regret that" I hit him again lightly. He chuckles. "See.. you're not immune" he smirks. "Just.. shut up" I laugh. "Its okay.. you'll get to kiss me soon" he nudges me playfully. "I'm so excited" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. We finally make our way to set. Someone walks up to me and patrick. "Ellen you wear this" she hands me a dress. "And this is yours" she hands patrick a tux. "The changing rooms are empty" she points to two changing rooms, next to eachother. "And then make your way straight to hair and makeup" she walks away. We walk over to the changing rooms. I get changed into the black dress, leaving my clothes in the changing room and walking out. Patrick's stood outside the door. "Wow you look sexy" he smirks, looking me up and down. I smile. "you look hot" I say. "I know" he rolls his eyes jokingly. I giggle. "Shut up" I laugh.

We get our hair and makeup done before going to set. We filmed the dancing scene so now we just have the sex scene. We stand on our marks and shonda yells action. I run down the hallway, him running after me. "Meredith" he shouts. "Leave me alone" I say. I run into the exam room, closing the door behind me. He walks in after me. "Meredith" he says. "Just leave me alone" I say. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright" he says. "No I'm not alright! Okay? Are you satisfied? I'm not alright! Because you have a wife.. and you call me a whore.. and our dog died.. and now you're looking at me.. stop looking at me!" I raise my voice. "I'm not looking at you.. I am not looking at you!" He says. He starts to walk closer to me. I move around to the other side of the exam table. "You are looking at me! And you watch me! And finn.. has plans.. and I like finn, hes perfect for me.. and I'm really trying here, to be happy.. and I cant breathe.. I cant breathe with you looking at me like that so just stop!" I yell emotionally. Theres a few seconds of silence. We just look at eachother, breathing heavily. "Do you think I wanna look at you?" He steps behind me. I turn around, not facing him. "That I wouldnt rather be looking at my wife? I'm married! I have responsibilities! She- she doesnt drive me crazy.. she doesnt make it impossible for me to feel normal! She doesnt make me sick to my stomach thinking about my veterinarian touching her with his hands! Man.. I would give anything not to be looking at you!" He shouts. I turn around, looking at him. He steps closer to me, putting his hands on my cheeks and kissing me passionately. He runs his fingers through my hair as I walk backwards, our lips never separating as he puts his hands on my waist, picking me up onto the exam table. I open my legs. He steps between them. He looks at me, running his hands through my hair and kissing me hungrly as I push off his tuxedo jacket. he takes it the rest of the way off, tossing it onto the floor. He moves closer to me, pressing his body against mine. He puts his hands on my ass, pulling me onto him. I try to hold back my moans as my throbbing clit rubs against his cock, which.. is hard. I kiss him passionately. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fight as he runs his hands through my hair. He runs his hands up my dress, pulling down my panties. His hand brushes against my wet centre, making me gasp quietly. He kisses down my neck, between my breasts, kissing and sucking on the top of my boobs. He makes his way back up my neck, leaving small kisses until he makes his way back up to my lips. He kisses me hungrly. I lay back onto the exam room table and he hovers over me. "Cut!" Shonda says. We sit back up. He stays stood between my legs. We're both breathing heavily. We're looking into eachothers eyes still as shonda walks over to us. "That was great guys. You're done for the day. You can both go" she says. We finally break eye contact, looking at shonda. "Okay thanks" we both say. Shonda walks off the set. We look behind us and everyone already cleared off set. Nobody's in the room. Just us and the camera equipment. I turn back around to look at him. We still havent said anything to eachother yet. As soon as we make eye contact, we lean in quickly, kissing eachother hungrly. I instantly take off his tie, pulling it off. I try to undo his shirt but can't. I give up. I pull away from the kiss. I rip the shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. He takes the shirt the rest of the way off. I shift slightly on the table, helping him so he can pull off my dress. I kick my heels off. He kicks his own shoes off as I undo his belt, pulling it off and throwing it on the floor. I unbutton his trousers, pulling them down. He takes them the rest of the way off. I pull off my bra as he pulls down my panties. I pull down his boxers. He steps out of them. I grab his face, kissing him hungrly. He pushes me back gently, onto the exam table, hovering over me. I open my legs wider as he rests between them. We look into eachothers eyes. He slides into me. I gasp in pleasure, pushing my face into his chest. He let's me adjust to his size. I lay back onto the table. I run my fingers through his hair. I let out quiet moans as he starts thrusting in and out of me. I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me passionately. I moan into his mouth as he speeds up his movements. He pushes his face into my shoulder. I dig my nails into his back in pleasure. I close my eyes, my head falling back. "Ohhhhh" I moan loudly as I release, my cum coating his thick cock. "Mmm" he groans. He pulls out of me, his cum spilling onto my stomach as he releases. He kisses me again. He moves off of me, grabbing something to wipe my stomach with. He wipes me clean. I sit up, looking at him. He kisses me passionately. I slide down from the table. We put our clothes back on. "You ruined the top" he points at his button-less top, which is open, revealing his toned stomach. "Fuck" I say "what the hell did we do? We had sex. Fuck we had sex" I panic. I try to sort out my dress. "Calm down" he puts his hands on my shoulders. "We just had sex at work.. we just had sex" I say. "But it was good right?" He smirks. "It was amazing- Incredible- I- fuck- shut up" i ramble. He kisses me passionately, wrapping his arms around my waist. I relax in his arms. I wrap my arm around his neck, kissing him back. "I thought you were immune?" He smirks. "Shut up" I giggle. I kiss him again. "We should go" I say. "Home?" He asks. "Back to the trailer to have sex all night" I say. He chuckles. He kisses me hungrly. He entwines our fingers. We walk back to our trailer.

1569 words

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