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"I just- I cant. I'm sorry" I rolled off of him. "What's up with you?" He asked. "I literally cant orgasm. That's what's up with me" I say. "Mentally. What's going on? You've never had this problem before. In fact, normally you orgasm multiple times" he smirks. "I'm stressed. Normally sex helps with that. Now it's just stressing me out more" I say. "Stressed about what?" He asks. "I dont wanna talk about it. I wanna have sex" I say tearfully. Okay, I am NOT having a breakdown right now infront of my best friend that I'm sleeping with AFTER sex. Oh my god. "Hey" he pushes my hair back. A tear rolls down my cheek. "We can try something else" he says. "I dont wanna talk" I say. "That's not what I meant" he makes his way down my body. He spreads my legs open, thrusting his tongue into my foulds. "Oh" I gasp. He starts thrusting it in and out. He stops for a second, leaning over and grabbing something out of his bedside table. It's a small pink vibrator. He turns it on, holding it to my clit as he begins thrusting his tongue in and out of my centre again. "Oh fuck" I moan. "Feel good?" He asks. "Yesss ohhh dont stop. Please dont stop" I moan as he begins thrusting his tongue into me again. I run my hands through his hair, pushing him further into me. He pushes his tongue in deeper, making my back arch. He moves the vibrator slightly, hitting the right spot. "Ohhhhh right there! There paddy" I moan in pleasure. "Ooohhh Goddd! Fuuuucckkk! Paddyy! Mmm" I moan loudly, shaking under him as i cum violently. He takes his tongue out, keeping the vibrator on the same spot, sending another strong wave of pleasure through my body as he kisses me hungrly. I moan into his mouth. He takes the vibrator off, turning it off and putting it back in the drawer. I pant, trying to catch my breath. "Mmm thank you" I grab his face, kissing him again, multiple times "fuck you're amazing" I kiss him again, longer and deeper this time. "Okay... what's up?" He asks. I sigh. "Paddy" I say. "Talk to me" he drew patterns on my chest with his finger, leaning on his hand looking at me. "I- I'm scared. I can't tell you" I say. "You can tell me anything" he says sweetly. I look at him. "You're gonna freak out. I'm freaking out" I say. "I wont freak out" he says. "I'm.." I look at him "pregnant" I say. I look away from him, avoiding eye contact. He doesnt say anything. "And it's yours. Just so we're clear. I'm pregnant with your baby. Our baby" I look at him, making eye contact again. He still doesnt say anything. "Can you say something?" I say "please" I add. "You're pregnant?" He asks. "Yes" I say. "I umm- I'm keeping it. I know its complicated. We're best friends, co stars and we're sleeping together but i-" I trail off. "You're keeping it?" He asks. "Yes" I say. "Ellen" he says. "Listen. Let me say something first" I sit up, grabbing his shirt off of the floor and putting it over my head. He puts the covers over the bottom half of himself. "I dont know if this is bad timing or good timing but.." I look at him "I love you. More than a best friend type of way.. in a 'I'm in love with you' type of way" I say nervously. "What?" He sits up next to me. I nod slowly, looking at him. "I- I cant even- I dont- what-" he stutters. "Do you want me to go?" I say, about to get up. "No" he pulls me back gently. "I love you too" he says. "You dont have to say that just because-" I say. "I'm not. I'm not saying it because you're pregnant or because you said it to me. I'm saying it because I mean it. I love you. And... we're gonna have a baby" he smiles. "Really?" I say tearfully. He kisses me passionately. "Really. I love you. So much" he says, tearfully himself. "You're really pregnant?" He smiles. "Yes" I smile "about a month I think" I say. "Have you been to the doctors?" He asks. "Yes. A few days ago. That's when I found out" I say. "We're gonna have a baby" he smiles. "We are gonna have a baby" I repeat. "A mini ellen" he whispers. "Or a mini patrick" I whisper back.

"Paddy?" I sit on his lap, straddling him. "Yes?" He says. "I love you" I hug him. "I love you too" he hugs me back tightly. "I dont wanna sound.. you know. But, are we like umm..?" I say. "Together?" He smiles. I nod. "Do you wanna be?" He says shyly. I smile. "Yes I do" I say. He smiles. "Cool" he says. i giggle. "Cool" I say back. I kiss him. "Dude.." I look at him "we're literally gonna fuck this baby up" I say. He laughs. "Probably" he says. "How long until you start to show?" He lifts the top over my head, throwing it on the floor. He puts his hands on my sides, looking at my stomach. "Umm... I'm not sure. Three or four months. Maybe? Shit. I dont know. I should probably do some research or something" I say. "We'll do it together" he leans closer to me. "Okay" I grinned. He kisses me. "Have you told anyone else yet?" He asks. "No" I say. "Are you going to?" He asks. "Eventually. I want to stay in our little bubble for a bit longer" I hug him tight, our faces centimetres apart. "Me too" he hugs me back, kissing me. "I'm so happy" he breathes against my lips. "You are?" I smile. "Yes. Are you?" He asks. "Extremely happy" I say. I kiss him again.

996 words

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