004 - Akali

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Taking a deep breath, I kick myself off of the ground, kicking for the head and then the torse before landing in a crouched position to sweep his leg. Blocking each of them and standing his ground sends a shocking signal through my shin.

Backing off he pushes me back with a simple dash attack. Following up with a few punches I easily dodge his slow yet powerful attacks, lifting my knee into the opening in his gut. He uses it to grapple me and toss me over his shoulder.

Rolling across the floor, I lift myself quickly only for him to say in a disappointed tone, "You have gotten slow Akali."

"Tch," then lifting myself, "Not as slow as you old man. Then remind me what is the point of forcing me to do this? To make sure you keep me here?"

"You have a right to do what you want, but a purpose defined only by the Kinkou and you have a responsibility to take the place of your mother as the next-"

"Sure," then walking off, I untie my hair letting it fall loose as I grab a nearby rag to start drying the sweat in my face.

Ending up in the shower I quickly clean myself with all my exhausted energy, I stand with shut eyes as the cold water streams down my body. My leg still feels like I hit a boulder, what is up with Shen and his defenses?

Washing my body I start to groan and complain about all these stupid responsibilities and them not wanting me to do anything. My own mother wants to support me but she can't do it as publicly because it would just put her in a bad spot.

She wants to be with the Kinkou. 

I don't. Not anymore. Just a bunch of insane people and elders so hell-bent on sticking with what they know that they won't even let any outsiders into the Order. Even if it is for the sake to know more.


Finishing up, I am already in my room as I hear someone behind the slide door, "Who is there?"

"I hope that isn't how you greet anyone in the temple," I hear her voice, I slight smile spreads across my face as she lowers herself, "Goodmorning Akali."

"Morning Mother," I then turn around as I dry my hair, "Only when they are outside of my room when I am getting dressed."

She twists her lips to the side before giggling, "You are impossible sometimes. Your Father is pretty upset with letting you go to school, he thought by now you'd give up but I don't think he knows that stubbornness of yours comes from both of us."

I sigh, "They just want me to blind myself willingly and keep me from doing what I want to do."

"Have you tried telling them what you want to do?"

"If I want them to excommunicate me, yeah, I'll start doing that. Shen has been running so many training sessions and it is draining me of all my energy," I then sigh, "I think they are doing it on purpose."

"I will talk to them."

"Thanks," then getting my clothes ready, "And Dad? Is he still going to ignore me while I go to school for another year for the past how many years now?"

"He... is a little upset. If only you'd let him talk to you."

"So that he can tell me what to do-"

"To understand what he wants, then you can tell him what you want. I am sure your Father will understand everything the moment you make it crystal clear that nothing they do will change your mind and you will continue doing what you want to do."

I sigh, "Fine. If he decides I am his daughter again then sure."

"Akali," she was getting angry at me.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara