138 - Lovesick

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Helping her carry her things up to one of the rooms, I put them down near the bed while she hovers near the door leaning into the opening with her arms crossed over her middle.

"Trapping me?"

"Know that I don't need to do that," she giggles, "Just..." she twists her lips to the side before saying, "Really missed you, glad you found Akali."

"Don't need to-"

She shakes her head, "I know, but I want to. Why I am even here feeling like without you we would have a hard time getting to her - 'cause you always ended up being the one finding her when we needed her."

"I am not that-"

"You are," she counters, "Always looking out for the rest of us - even when you were the one arguably going through a bad time," then shaking her head, "Whatever. Just wanted to get that one out of my system."

I then step closer to her, resting my hand on her shoulder as she makes eye-contact blinking slowly at me, "Been worrying about coming back?"

"That things changed between all of us," she chuckles, "Just a little bit - the reason why I was a bit hesitant to kiss you. Wanted to test the waters but... I was coming off a little bit to strong which just kinda let you kiss me anyway."

"You have an answer now?" I ask.

She whispers, "Might... have to let you kiss me again to say for certain?" she turns to me with her fingers tugging the edge of my shirt, I lean in closer only for her to push her finger against my lips, "First gotta get that girl off of my girl," she winks at me.

I nod, "I'll tell her."

"Promise? Don't want to fight for someone and you-"

I stop her, "Not going to let that happen - I know you don't want to have to fight for me when I say I love you but I don't do anything."

She lets out a sigh of relief, "Glad you said it before I started sounding the bitch," she then twists her lips, "Kinda want her to go on and see if Eve or Ahri puts her in her place but... maybe we should do that."

"Rather malicious from you."

She winks at me, "Maybe just a bit," she pulls her finger away and kisses me softly and slowly, then pulls away, "Now - before this ends up with me leading you into bed."

"I'll talk to her-"

"No, I mean... I am really hungry and not the horny kind. I haven't eaten at all."

I snort as I nod, "Will order something - got any requests? "

"I'll ask Akali," she steps back into the hallway, "Do you think she remembers the hot-tub incident?"

I then ask a better question, "You think she knows that the pool has a hot tub?"

"This really just sounds like both of us wanting to get her to show some skin."

"She is still very fit."

She looks at me with a smirk, "Really?" she holds her suggestive stare, "Must mean you already got her into your bed, could have left me with the surprise of learning her body all over again for myself."

"You sound more infatuated with her than anything else - wanted to spoil that for you."

"Boo!" she giggles, "Haven't talked to her in years, I just feel like spoiling her like the cute girlfriend that she is, doesn't mean that I love you less or more than her... seeing her now and when she disappeared... it was terrible."

I nod, "Don't need to explain it to me, Kai."

Puffing her cheeks she blows out the air slowly, "I know - I know," then walking with her down stairs to see Akali wandering around aimlessly, "Over here."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now