081 - Downtime

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I wander around the house for a few minutes before I finally find the kitchen with large window walls with an open view of the garden that looks a bit unkempt but not like it is a forest. Just further down is the pool with an awesome view of the city.

I ask, "The view is crazy."

She nods, "That is what I was looking for when I found this place," she turns around leaning against the kitchen counter, "A gorgeous vista. There was supposed to be a lot more to it but we never moved in to make this place better."


"We all had our differences," she lifts her shoulders, "Half of the team wanted to go their own way, the other half thought it would be perfect to stay together. The lead singer's girlfriend thought I was a slut."


"She was a bit of drama queen," she turns around opening one of the boxes, "I ordered my favorite so if you don't like meat and just meat on your pizza then I am going to have to disappoint you for your dinner."

"Pizza is pizza," I grab a box, "Thanks for the food," I open it up to see that this is definitely the definition of a meat lover's pizza.

"Don't mention it," she then looks at me, "Tomorrow I am having a decorating crew come look at the place, the gardeners will also come along with the cable guys because I don't have internet installed here either."

"All in one day?"

She nods, "I just need to drop my name and they'd probably make sure I get my money's worth - the decorating will probably take the entire week to find something that I like."

"You are going to move in permanently?" I grab a slice as she glances around the place.

"I mean - you are going to need a place to stay and I doubt you'd leave town even after you are done with school," she chuckles, "This city has the best university with a lot of musical studious that are dying for someone to blow their pants off."

She then chuckles, "Sometimes it is a lot more literal than you want it to be," she winks at me.

"I'll just stick with what I have," I admit, "I haven't thought about what I wanted to do after school either."

"You will figure it out," she states, grabbing another slice.

I enjoy a few slices as I ask her, "Why did you decide on helping me?" she looks at me, "I mean... I didn't expect you to go that far for anyone. I don't even think the two of us ever got along."

"I firmly believe that everyone deserves a choice - to make their own mistakes, to live their own lives. I knew I could help you and that it wouldn't be that hard to do it either, I did it because I wanted to help you," she then giggles, "The way all five of you were fighting to help was super cute and it would have been a shame to see those four faces all depressed every single day."

"How did you know it would work?" I furrow my brow, "These things-"

"Never happen?" she nods, "It must be a fairytale and I am the wicked witch that always wins," she smiles, "A little-known fact about me, I always win. Oh and I am probably going to have to date your sister."

"You... didn't need to mention that."

"Felt like I needed to~" she sings before laughing, "She cares about you, has a terrible way of showing it. Try to talk to her maybe, not about the past but something you both can talk about - family is important."

"Coming from you?"

She nods, "The sinner preaching like a saint," she sighs, "I know what people should do and can tell what everyone needs to do for themselves - doesn't mean I am going to show them the way, or do the same thing."

"Each to their own."

She shakes her head, "I just want to live this life how I want to. Nothing anyone can do to take that from me."

She closes the box and pushes it into the trash. I glance at the time, it is already one in the morning. I should finish up and go to bed. She lifts herself onto the counter of the kitchen watching as she twists her lips to the side.

"Tell me something, (Y/N). Time is something that we have little control over - I had people take it away from me and there were times I knew I was wasting it on bullshit but I only cared about whether or not it was fun."

I wait for her question, "What matters more? Enjoying it to the fullest knowing that it can all be snatched away at any moment - or do we go about our lives in a sensible way, obeying rules that were set for us and never stepping over that line."

I chuckle, "It is kind of unfair to make it a choice if you word it like that."

"Because that is how it is," she states, "For me at least."

I lower my gaze to the last few slices, "I just want to go about it the way I feel."

"Good enough," she nods with a smile, she pushes herself off the counter, "I am headed to get comfy in bed - I have a date with your sister and the court. It shouldn't be something that will last long but you are probably going to have to walk to school."

I nod, "Thanks again-"

"Stop thanking me," she groans, "I did it because I wanted to."

"Right," I nod.

"Also... when you get home tell me what Evelynn's face was - I get a real kick out of it when she can't decide to make me out as a bad person or semi-decent."

I stop her, "Michelle," she freezes before she walks away, "What is it with your obsession with Evelynn?"

"Look at you rubbing your nose in places where it doesn't belong," she then tilts her head to the side, "It might not look like it, but I am willing to do a lot for that girl - I didn't want to admit but the other reason why I saved you is because of her."

"But why?"

"It doesn't need to make sense-"

"Do you still love her?" I pry even further.

"Nope," I actually believe her, "I always saw her as a sister, but unfortunately someone caught feelings and loved the idea too much - but I was a different monster back then," she chuckles, "Good night. And I am not obsessed with her."

"Good night."

I finish my dinner and walk to the lights, turning them off as I head all the way to my room. It feels unreal but I think I am further away from understanding that woman - even further away from understanding what those two had.

And where does Ahri come in? I want to trust Michelle... but I find it hard to do exactly that.

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