106 - Time is ticking

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The four of us are already planning our next trip but it seems we might not really have any chance to go out - mostly because a lot of the funds have been moved for our ball and another large part playing how big the competitions are going to be.

Stacey then states, "They are just going to have to be happy that we even got a ball at this case - we are a week and a half away from the ball and not even a week later we need to be ready for the tournament and right after that is our exams."

I groan internally, "We are kind of stumped, not a lot of choices."

Theo then chuckles, "Not much we can do about it. Let's just focus on making the ball as good as we can."

Ahri then nods, "So that kind of concludes all of the issues - we have it sorted and just need to make sure we don't waste it."

"A lot of kids are going to want an after-party," Theo mentions, "Is there a place that we can hire? We don't even need to sleep because I know a lot of the kids here don't exactly have a place to host something like that."

Tracey then states, "We leave that to Ahri and (Y/N)."

"What? Why?"

Ahri then chuckles, "Will see if we can get someone to shoot us some ideas that work for us," she then gives me a suggestive look - I mean we have the perfect place for it but I guess this is where we ask Michelle about it.

The two of them leave for class, I then lean back into the chair rubbing my eyes, "Guess we are all running out of time."

"It can't be that bad," she states, "We only have like two months to close out the last final moments before we need to decide what to do with our lives," then lifting her shoulders, "So let's just make a lot of memories."

I nod, "Yeah."

She stretches her hands out wriggling her fingers, "Come on," I then shake my head with a chuckle as I grab her hands, and she pulls me to my feet, "What's up? You look like something is on your mind."

"Just... how quickly we are running out of time. It is catching up quickly."

She nods, "It sucks, I know. But we all have each other - so let's just rely on others for a bit and then make it through."

I chuckle, "You make it sound like we are on a fast track for something bad to happen."

"I just don't get comfortable with a lot of things," she then looks at me, "It's always been like that, I spent days on days worrying that one good thing will finally disappear from my life and it is refreshing to have all of that still near me."

"And right now, I am very comfortable with you. I am ecstatic about Eve, even more, comfortable with Akali and Kai," she lowers her gaze, "Something bad always happens, it is just how it usually pans out and I don't feel scared even with the thought that it might just be around the corner."

I squeeze her fingers, "We can place bets, we can't lose it all."

"Yeah," she looks up at me, "You think we can get away with skipping class?"

I shake my head, "They are going to catch that the two of us often take our time getting back - but I don't mind taking that risk."

She then gestures for the door, "We shouldn't risk it - besides day is pretty much done so let's go and make sure they don't keep us after school and ruin the weekend."

I groan, "Also true."

She then pulls me with her, letting go right before we leave out the door. We have been waiting for the ball - we are prepared for the group music phase and the solo performances for the competition as well.

But the ball is more on my mind than anything.

I am going stag - the girls already decided that they are taking each other. So I got to get together with Ryleigh and we are walking in together so that I don't look super depressed going in alone - doesn't mean I ain't going to dance.

As soon as the bell rings, I pack my things instantly as I catch Akali staring blankly in front of her, "Hey Akali."

"Hey," she doesn't look at me, "I am going to have to... bail out this weekend," she then looks up at me with a pained expression, "I really want to come along but..."

I stop her, "I know, they have been getting a lot more controlling lately."

With a slight nod, "It's because the end of the year is coming closer and closer - I think they are scared that I might disappear from their grips and honestly, they are just making me want to do that."

I furrow my brow, "Do-"

She stops me, "I ain't going anywhere," then flashing me a smile, "Just not going to be able to show up this weekend."

"If you ever need to run... come to me, or any one of us."

She smiles at me, "I will," then lifting herself she gives me a tight hug, "I feel at home with all of you, so if you ever need to find me just know that I am where I feel at home. So just look to your side, okay?" she then pulls away, "Call me tomorrow."

"Enjoy the weekend."

"I will try my best."

Then glancing at Kai'Sa, she instantly walks over to me, Ahri and Evelynn are in the front of the classroom both of them are already caught up in a conversation.

I then breathe out, "Akali isn't going to show up."

She nods, "She already told me," then with a pained expression, "I know the four of us wanted to get together but - I am going to have to bail on you guys as well."

I nod, "Got busy?"

"Dad wants to drive to the next town over and I want to go with him," she smiles at me, "I kinda also need to pick up a dress for the ball that is coming up so I guess this leans into being more of a surprise for you as well."

"Can't wait to see you in it," I smile at her.

She winks at me, "Might even let you tear it off me," she lifts both shoulders, "Maybe not. Gowns are expensive."

I chuckle as I shake my head, "I'll be gentle."

"That's the problem," she whispers, "I will keep you updated on my adventure this weekend."

"Enjoy it."

"I will," she nods, "You should," she then looks at the two through the corner of her eye, "Maybe see if you can get something working between those two," she suggests, "Just a thought," she walks away before I could add anything.

Now that... is pretty hard on its own.

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