119 - If I am not strong, I might die.

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Sitting at the doctor's table, he then finally comes back into the room with the tests, "The good news is that you are highly compatible with her with little complications and your blood is clean."

I nod, "Do you need a donor?" I ask with an empty tone.

"Are you planning on taking your life to save hers?" the question is asked bluntly, "At most your blood will be useful if she starts to internally bleed and then we can use your blood to make up for what she is losing."

I then nod, "What about her?"

He then states, "I am not in charge of her file - but right now a sister hospital is currently investigating their storage and with the addition of multiple deaths if they can find anything that can save her."

I nod, "Thanks," I guess.

"Feel free to visit her whenever."

I lift myself out of the chair and out of his office, then making my way towards her I see Evelynn walking down from the door towards me, "I hate her," she sighs, then looks at me, "At least you know now what I mean that she has a way of making sure she gets what she wants."

I nod, "I wanted to tell you sooner - but I didn't so it doesn't really help much."

She steps forward, "I get it - you are a gullible idiot and anything with tits can convince you otherwise - I still love you."

My voice breaks as I whisper back, "Love you too."

"About Akali-"

I stop her, "She is gone, she will be back and right now I just want to be angry at myself - maybe I did the right thing but right now it feels lonely and empty without her around."

She nods, "I already miss that girl, as excitable as she was," then asks me, "I'll be outside for a bit if you want to just... talk after you are done talking with Michelle? Then we can go home together."

"Where is Ahri?" I ask.

"Record company," she smiles, "At least she got a future ahead of her."

I chuckle, "I am proud of her," then look at the door, "It feels hard to celebrate anything with what is happening."

"Too many things, too fast."

We break apart, I walk into the room to see Michelle staring up at the ceiling - she glances at me through the corner of her eye and then with a scoff she starts chuckling.

"I thought you'd hate me."

I shake my head, "I want to, but I know you are right."

"I always have been," she smiles at me, "Akali is a big girl, I am willing to bet in a few years from now she will come and find you - the first thing she does is give you the best sex you ever had in your life."

I shake my head at her as she snorts, "What? Hate sex and 'the one that got away' sex is the best kind," then with a chuckle, "So look forward to it... also if you hate me you can also get away with-"

"Stop already, will you?"

She nods, "Yeah. You are a little brother to me, I cringe each time I make that joke."

"Then why do it?'

"Force of habit, I like cute things."

I then arch my brow at her, "Cute?"

She nods, "I am dying, (Y/N}. Just let me get away with a lot more please."

"You get away with a lot already."

"True," she then groans as she looks at me fully, "Overheard some talk that you and I are super compatible," she then gives me a pained smile, "Funny - how the person that I have been trying to help can actually save me."

"So don't," she states, "Even if you find a way to do it, I will refuse it and you will look like the fool and I will come to laugh at your dead ass."

I shake my head, "I wasn't going to kill myself."

"You look depressed," she states, "I wouldn't have discounted that, there are times when I would have given my life for someone else and I learned they would never do it for me - so don't do that for me."

I then reassure her, "I won't. I am going to donate blood if you do end up needing it."

"Thanks," she returns her gaze back to the ceiling, "But as it stands, it has been bad news all around - I have already written down in my will and everything I own will be yours when I leave this world."

"Why?" I ask, hoping to finally get an answer.

"I never had a brother... sorry, I had one but I couldn't have the chance to call him my brother. You gave me that chance and even though it lasted for a couple of months... it was nice for a change."

Then with a chuckle, "I don't know - you were so easy to tease and it felt even better than getting under Evelynn's skin. Then watching you go insane trying to find Akali the first time, I felt guilty because I was tempted to stop you from being so stupid... only for you to prove me wrong."

"But I can't be wrong twice," she shuts her eyes, "There are a lot of small things - but I am glad I could do that even if you never see me as someone worth caring about."

"I am sitting right here."

She nods, "And I appreciate it."

There is a short silence.. I then ask, "Aren't you terrified?"

"No... I am just scared that I will suffer. Dying doesn't scare me, dying a painful death does - so when the time comes... please don't make me suffer when nothing in this world will be able to keep this dying heart alive."

Then looking at me, "Can I tell you a secret, promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise."

She shakes her head, "Nah. I don't trust you."

*** Michelle POV ***

I then look away from him, keeping my thoughts to myself as I shoo him away, "I want to get some sleep - visit me tomorrow or something."

"Get better."

"Oh. I am trying."

Then shutting my eyes tightly as I feel tears well up in my eyes, ones that I have been hiding for a while.

No, I am not scared. I just hope that when I do die, at least someone will cry for me - that is all I can ask for but I pushed so many people far away that I don't even know if I should earn that much.

Too late to cry about it.

At least, you are still here.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now