035 - Violent Rhythm

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*** Ahri POV ***

What is wrong with me? Am I really that lonely that I have been making moves on him without ever really considering it? I can't blame him but he obviously said that because of me... then why is my heart pounding so uncontrollably?

Okay yeah, I like him. I can pretend later that I don't and that I am going to blame it on crippling loneliness but he... I don't know what it is about him but his presence feels so comforting. That even in silence there is a presence near me.

I only feel like that about Evelynn... that no matter what with her by my side I can smile through the tears. That with her by my side I won't ever hurt myself - that there is something to live for and I can cling to that feeling for a little bit longer.

(Y/N)... you make the air less suffocating. How do you tell someone, without making it sound dramatic, that their existence in your life is making being alive feel free and not suffocating?

*** Normal POV ***

Watching Evelynn unlock the door, her brow furrows as she pushes it open, "It's unlocked?"

"I did lock it yesterday," I state, "Michelle was there with me when I locked it."

She nods, "I also checked this morning to see if it was locked, not like I don't trust you," she then opens the door as she glances around, "Think someone broke in?"

I walk forward into the room as I glance around, "Doesn't look like it," then walking over to where I store my things, "Probably the janitor that forgot to lock it-"

I clench my jaw to see the lock on my case is broken, my heart has already sunk long before I even opened it. I can hear the two of them talk just behind me but I don't recall hearing a single word... or whether or not they were addressing me.

I pull it by the handle as I set it on the floor, peeking through the side of the case I can feel the cold disappearing, throbbing stinging pain in my head as I clench my fist and drop the lid as it is. I kick the side of the case aside as I turn around already stomping towards the door I feel a hand stop me by the arm.

"Woah... what happened?" as she asks the question the other three enter at the same time.

I lock eyes with Akali as I ask, "During recess. Who wasn't in your group?" 

She furrows her brow, "A lot of them, Fred went to talk to his team leader and Conner was trying out with Eric at the computer labs. Henry hasn't hung out with us for a while. Andy, Hina, Quinzel, and Anna were with me. I don't know where Stacey or Grayson was-" 

Evelynn asks again, "Did something happen?"

I shake my head as I try to push through them, Michelle grabs me by the collar, "Use your words. I can promise you whatever the fuck you are thinking of doing is going to be a very very bad idea."

I then gesture to my case I kicked outside, "Then have a fucking look, guess I pissed off the wrong people for them to fucking break my stuff!"

She then says again, "I can buy you a new one, calm down and let's get the authorities and faculty to handle your problem-"

"Buy a new one, right," then pushing her hand aside, "As if buying a new one is going to fix anything."

She doesn't stop me as I storm out the doors.

*** Akali POV ***

Evelynn then asks, "Why didn't you stop him?"

"He is going to punch someone or something. I'd rather not get in the middle of that."

I shake my head as I run after him, "(Y/N) please stop."

He stops instantly, I expected him to not listen to me, "Akali... listen as much as I am angry I am really trying not to lash out at you because of your fucking-"

"Who says it is any of them," I say as he turns in place, completely pissed off because I dared suggest that it can't be any of them.

"Who the fuck is it going to be then?" he asks me, "Who have I pissed off the most being here Akali? Cause you must think I am fucking stupid-" he winces as he shakes his head, stopping himself as he sighs loudly.

Trying to step closer, "They won't ever take things further than petty arguments. I know them better than that... please just... let's do exactly what Michelle said and then we handle it from there, okay?"

He chuckles out of frustration, "Yeah. Right. Then next thing that happens we let it slide, talk about me being a little pussy not doing shit about my own stuff, and then we all end up hating me. Don't we?"

"I promise whoever it is, they will pay," I manage to get close to him, he pulls his gaze away as I try to hug him only for him to lift his hands to my shoulders and gently push himself away from me.

"Just leave me alone," he walks away going down the stairs.

Michelle then appears behind me, "I would have let him punch the shit out of whoever he thinks it is. If he is right, good on him. If he doesn't then he learns a lesson."

"Do you just leave people out to dry?"

"Angry people can't be reasoned with," she states, "Come with me, let's just make sure he doesn't do anything. Ahri and Eve are calling the faculty and authorities to see if they can find anything."

I nod, following her closely as she asks.

"Are you guilty?"

"It's not my fault."

"He looks like he was going to blame you," she says again, "I know that look, the look of if he did what he wanted to do a long time ago but didn't because of someone else. He must either like you or really respect you for not screaming at you. These are your friends after all."

"It can't be them."

"And if it is?"

"I'll kick their asses myself."

She laughs loudly, "I take it back. I like you."

If it is them. I won't forgive myself for letting this happen, he can hate me if he wants to. Even... even if the thought hurts me. He is obviously trying to not be angry at me but how can you not be? I could have stopped something like this if it was the case.

Fuck... I just want to disappear right now.

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