016 - Paranoia

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Walking to school with the amp in hand. I am going to just for the sake of my sanity ask Akali to swap seats so that I don't have to deal with that idiot. I sigh to myself as I try to figure out how I am going to word it.

Kinda wish Kai'Sa offered a lift again. That would be nice. My legs are killing me.

"Heya," I jump in my skin as I hear a giggle, "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Ah no. I was just complaining about walking and how I wished you and your dad drove past me to pick me up," I admit.

"Speaking of the devil," saying it with a smile, she then asks with a soft tone, "You just disappeared yesterday, what happened?"

"Eric and Connor were annoying me. Picking fights with Ahri and Evelynn is super stupid and it is really just working on every nerve of mine... I just left because I didn't want to be near them cause..."


I shake my head, "I don't like them. Let's leave it at that."

She sighs, "You can't get along with everyone even if you tried. Well, let's hope it is the last of that for a while."

"I will just ignore them and not be around them," then looking at her I realize her furrowed brow, "I won't be hanging out in that group mainly because of that - I'd just end up making it harder for you two and then make you have to choose."

"I'd choose you."

"Why?" I ask out of curiosity.

"You could have ignored me when we met. Yet you tried to be nice, kindness goes a long way with me - so far they haven't been that. Even if someone told me that you are not that, that you somehow put up a front for everyone I wouldn't believe them."

Sounds a lot like my old school. 

"Thanks, Kai'Sa."

"No problem, though if you are going to do that don't be a stranger okay?"

I chuckle, "It would be hard to avoid you if we live in the same apartment complex and have the exact same route back home."

"Also true."

I then ask, "Was your dad serious about you singing?"

"Trust me. Very bad," she says quickly, "I am a far better dancer."

"I was just going to suggest trying out for the classes - not if it gets in the way of dancing."

"I'll do it if you start dancing."

"Hard pass," I say quickly, "I am only good at a select few things and my fingers happen to be one of them... I just need to remember how to play the guitar again and brush up on some of the skills."

"You stopped?"

I nod, "Like three years ago."


"Ambition killed me," I get angry at myself as I then shake my head.

"Well - I'd love to hear it when you are back up to speed."

I then return my gaze back to my front, "Yeah. Though don't expect something like a single I wrote myself - I am only good at copying songs and using their solos. Even if it is a little bit difficult I can get in my head."

***   Connor POV  ***

Walking with my hands in my pockets, "So that's that. (Y/N) is pitching his tent on that side and still hanging out with us."

Fred then chuckles, "Liam had a super big crush on Ahri and took a few friends and went over to them. Then they started being assholes to us and Evelynn just made it so much easier to hate them. Ahri is probably a bitch as well, always smiling like that she must think everyone loves her."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang