017 - Ghosting

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"You just disappeared yesterday," I nod, noticing Eric stare at both of us as I then say with a sigh.

"No offense but your friends rub me the wrong way, just to avoid a fight I am just going to avoid them altogether. I am still going to be friends with you but..." twisting my mouth to the side she doesn't seem exactly happy about my decision, "I am just not going to do that, last thing I want is to end up fighting  with you over them."

"That... sucks. Did they do something for this to happen?"

I nod, "I mean I wouldn't have made this decision but I can tell they will escalate it-"

"It's a little too extreme, don't you think? Even with Liam that went over they never went to go fight them nor did they try to make it worse... just give it a try will you?"

I shake my head, "I'm pretty adamant with my stance on it," crossing my arms, "No debating it either. I'll hang out when there is time and after school at the music classes - which we still need to talk about."

She nods, "We can talk after school then."

She is pretty annoyed I can tell, I have free time now and she does as well so she is just choosing to do it like that seeing I made the same decision. Whatever... some people find it hard to believe their friends are complete asshats.

We do our homeroom and I instantly lift myself to get out of the classroom, I would sit in that room and practice a bit but they would tell me to shut up so quickly because I am making a massive racket throughout the damned place.

Now outside, I tuck my mouth behind the scarf as I sit down on one of the benches with my eyes locked on my phone. I almost considering asking my sister to help me get back into shape - that getting fat comment struck a nerve somewhere and it is really gotten to me.

On the other hand, I have to deal with children and the frustration of getting back to my original level. A level of commitment I haven't had for anything in a long time.

"(Y/N)? Right?"

I lift my gaze as I nod, "That's me."

He drops down next to me, "Liam. Saw you rush out instantly and Ahri said something about you not getting along with what we have dubbed possibly the pettiest people in school."

I nod, "Sounds about right."

"Figured I might as well try to save you - they didn't ask me to get you I just felt bad that you got in the middle trying to defend those two. It's kinda my fault this all started to begin with."

"You abandoned them right? Well, I wouldn't blame you if that was the case."

He chuckles, "Me, Vic, and Simon were talking to Ahri about something that had to do with projects. We were all filled up and wondered if we could join with her and Evelynn only for them to say no."

Arching my brow, "A messy break-up," snorting to myself.

Ignoring my comment, "So we ended up hanging out with them because they were pretty chilled about it - they call us a group but we rarely all hang out. We just all avoid that specific group of friends."

"Something happens between you three and them to make this happen."

"Jealousy maybe. Though we weren't very nice, essentially spitting on them and our friendship - we only did it because they made a massive scene about it in the first place."

This is just enough proof that it is all silly in the first place.

He then sighs, "Just watch yourself - a lot of them are very petty and will go out of their way to make your life hell... so avoiding them and moving away from the group is probably the best thing you did. Just stay away from all of them."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now