038 - Up and Over

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Early morning, it's getting colder and colder. The weather is really kicking me in the gut along with everything that has happened. I want to punch something in the face but there are too many things that are just left in the air. 

I glance to my side - Kai'Sa has been pretty silent on our way to the school. We don't have practice considering it was interrupted by yours truly yesterday and due to everything happening we moved the next session to Thursday.

So just a normal day of getting over it.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Kind of," I lift my shoulders, "Just don't want to look any of them in the face today, I am pretty sure that if I do I might not be able to control myself."

"Want me to stand there and stop you?"

I chuckle, "If you really want to get in the middle of something that has nothing to do with you."

She purses her lips, then with a sigh, "I thought about it for a bit, I guess taking a side is just hard because I haven't seen anything to tell otherwise. I believe your instinct and if it comes down to it, I won't lecture you about what you can and cannot do. Just don't take it too far."

"It's all I can really ask for right now."

*** Akali POV ***

Waiting near the entrance of the school, I spot Eric and Conner walking straight toward me. Conner smiles widely as he greets me, "Hey-"

I then stop him, "Do you know anything about what happened to (Y/N)'s Guitar?"

I notice Eric's gaze settling on Conner before he asks, "What happened to it?"

"Someone snuck into the class and smashed it into pieces," I then look at Conner, "I don't think you did it but if anyone did it... don't you think you should just tell them before they drag you with them?"

"Why would you think I did it? Because (Y/N) said so?"

"You have been giving him a hard time for no reason," I state, "Listen-"

"I didn't do anything and I can say that neither me nor Eric has anything to do with it. I am not that petty that I'd go after his shit... I have literally nothing to gain from it, Akali," he sighs as he walks past me, "So caught up with him-"

I then counter, "You are getting jealous for no reason. Rather than focusing on (Y/N) focus on yourself," he looks back at me as I warn him, "I swear on my life, Conner. If I find out that you are lying to me."

His jaw tenses, I hear Fred walk up to me, "Why is everyone so serious?"

I glance at him, "Did you do it?"

"Fuck no. I want to kick his ass for hitting me in the jaw," he then looks at Conner, "Unless one of you guys went and did it then I will make sure that you get the screws nailed into their heads. You don't fuck with other people's shit."

I then sigh, "We don't need more fights," I then twist my lips to the side, "Either someone is pinning the blame on you guys, or you are lying to me."

Fred then shakes his head, "You know me Akali. I have had plenty of issues but never once took it this far."

I nod, "Maybe."

Conner looks like he was just about to crack, that he was going to burst into tears and ask for forgiveness. This... I don't know why he ended up being like this, maybe his jealousy is getting to him to do stupid things like this.

Sad to say but... if that is the case my answer will always be a no. Taking it this far for no reason.

*** Normal POV ***

Hanging out in the music room, I am looking at the damages and it is... horrible to say the least. Just looking at it again is a pain, they already made an announcement for someone to come out otherwise they are going to let the authorities be involved.

They already are... they are just hoping they can scare them first.

"Sup," I glance at the door to see Evelynn walk in, "Kind of figured I'd find you here."

I then state, "Weird to see you not near Ahri."

She nods, "She doesn't need me right now. Wanted to swing by and see how you are holding up but I guess the only thing you really can be in this situation is angry, rightfully so."

I nod, "I am doing fine, thanks."

"Cool," she turns around to leave as I then look at her.

"Sorry, just..."

"Bad mood, I know," she then says, "I just came to make sure if you are okay, not really here to offer a shoulder to cry on or anything."

I then arch my brow, "I'm glad you went through the extra effort just for me."

"Don't mention it," she smiles at me, "Though you shouldn't hide here, you just end up making everyone worry about what you are going to do next, my advice is to find your friends and stick close before they start thinking you want to be alone."

"I will-"

"After all, we usually distance ourselves because then we have the satisfaction of knowing someone cares for us when they come to find us," she then gestures with her head, "That's me. So get your ass moving before I start feeling bad."

Lifting myself fully, I walk towards the door, "I originally thought you were pretty cold."

"I can be if I want to be," she says, "But it wouldn't exactly work out. You and Ahri are good friends and I don't want to stand in the middle of that and be a bitch. She has a hard time attaching herself to anyone."

"Must mean you are special to her."

"Something like that," she then chuckles, "I have seen her at her ugliest, and she saw me at my worst. A sure-fire way to make sure you become good friends," we both start to walk.

"Is that what it's going to take to be your friend?"

She lifts her shoulders, "You haven't been doing anything stupid, I kind of feel sorry for you. Having to walk face-first into a group of idiots - I can tell you now that they definitely did it."

I nod, "The only thing that makes sense. But you didn't answer my question."

"I don't really care about it, I am going to be stuck with your presence whether I like it or not. So make off it what you will."

"So wishy-washy. I am not asking you to marry me yet."

"Yet?" she arches her brow.

"Slip of the tongue."

"Hmmm," then with a chuckle, "Sure."

"Just to make it crystal clear-"

"Yes, we can be friends. Feel free to ask for my hand in marriage, I doubt you are going to like the answer I am going to give you."

"I'll stick to not taking any chances."

"Good. It would suck if I had to break someone's heart," she chuckles.

Mine or someone else's. She doesn't like me in that way, it feels almost like I am holding her hostage because I know Ahri very well. She probably doesn't trust people easily, I hope she will eventually trust me. Strange that she of all people came searching for me, I guess she is right.

We go to hide, to lose ourselves without knowing which way is home. Why? Because we want to be found because that is the easiest way to tell that someone cares for us. How do you do that? If when they find you, they are scared that they will make you even more upset

I am handling this in the worst way possible.

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