037 - Just like you.

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"Do you know who did it?"

I lift my shoulders, "I think I do."

Nodding as she gives me back my phone, "If it doesn't get handled properly I will make sure to make myself involved - there isn't much I can do to anyone that won't be identified as Aggravated Assault," she rubs her eyes.

"I'll handle it, one way or another."

She nods again, "If you need me to do anything - if you plan on picking a fight outside of school make sure to let me know."

I chuckle, "It wouldn't be fair, you have bigger muscles than all of them."

"It helps that I hit like a girl."

I shake my head at her, "A female gorilla probably."

"I am not that hairy."

"It was more  a gesture to your brute strength."

"Ahh... totally makes it better."

We both share a weak smile before I sigh, "I am probably being too vindictive aren't I?" she gives me a concerned look, "I should just leave it up to the authorities to handle it."

She nods, "Mom and Dad would have said the same thing - but I am not them. The worst that happens is that one person out of that group gets pulled out and the rest will continuously try to make it impossible for you to do anything."

"That Guitar is them crossing the line from being yapping little muts into being wolves, you have my permission to show them what happens when they fuck with the wrong family. Just make sure that when you go to kick their teeth in, that if they ever think of crying wolf they will ruin their own lives."

I then remarked, "You like wolves don't you?"

She gives me an annoyed stare, "I am trying to be cool and understanding," she then crosses her arms as she leans back into the chair, "I do like wolves, yeah."

I chuckle, "Thanks. I feel a bit better."

She nods, "Obviously the right thing to do, is let the authorities handle it. A lot of people won't agree if you go to beat their faces in - possibly ending up thinking that you are very confrontational."

"Kai'Sa isn't exactly happy about it."

"Do you care for her?" she asks. I only nod in response, "She is a nice girl, she is probably feeling exactly like you about it... but she is trying to keep that middle ground so that people like you and me don't do something stupid."

"Do you think she will start hating me... if I did what I wanted to do?"

"You should do what you want to do regardless," she smiles at me, "Just figure out if the thing you want to do is beating their heads in or her."

I lift myself, "Alright that's enough talking."

"What? You are eighteen and it is perfectly normal to talk about things like that."

"Not with my sister!"

"I can ask Matty-"

"No, that is even worse!"

She gives me an almost dramatic stare as if I hurt her feelings. I give her a confused look as she bursts into laughter, I join in as I then sigh loudly.

"Talk to her first, maybe?" she suggests, "Then I will work on getting you a replacement-"

I stop her, "Please don't. I can't have you buying me another one."

She states, "You can't exactly stop me from spending my money the way I want to."

I beg her, "Please. I will work out my own way, it was a gift and I didn't take care of it as I should have. Besides, there is an acoustic I can use in the meantime till I figure out if this is really something I want to do."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now