076 - Attempt at the impossible

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Poor Seraphine just wanted to do music with all of us and we just all ended up disappearing. The days following it were spent trying and hoping to be hopeful. Evelynn is sitting across from me as we sit in the back of the pickup.

She breathes out, "Jake is probably going to be out soon."

I chuckle, "Don't worry about me so much, you look worse than me."

She nods, "Just angry," she twists her lips to the side, "Ahri things."

"If it is about her... she is really good at hiding that part of her," she only nods, "Thanks for asking your brother to try and reason with Illiya and try to be my Guardian."

She chuckles, "I don't even think it is going to work, Jake isn't exactly someone that wants to impress people but he said he will do his best."

"I'll talk to her beforehand," I state, "Maybe I still have some say in when it comes to having my own wishes."

Jake finally turns up and hops into the driver's seat, I already gave him the address to where Illiya will be staying for a couple of weeks longer, and then I just have to run away or fall in line. Evelynn only sighs loudly, her hair blowing in the wind as she faces the front of the pickup.

"You know," she tries to speak through the noise, she then looks at me, "I really hope we can find a way to get you to stick around, wouldn't be the same if you just disappeared on us."

I shake my head at her with a smile, "If only it were that easy."

She scoots over next to me, making it easier to talk, "How is this... Illiya?"

I chuckle, "She and Michelle would probably get along."

She groans, "I guess it is pretty bad then," she interlaces her fingers with her own as her gaze is locked to her feet, "Do you really think there is anything you can do? Running away works but all that just to sacrifice a full year-"

I nod, "I hope so, maybe Kai'Sa's dad will help. Maybe your brother gets a pass.  Maybe I just join the Kinkou and run away from them."

She shakes her head, "The last one sounds like a bad idea."

"It is still an idea," I admit, "Illiya hates Angel more than anything. She believes that I am influenced by her overbearing attitude and that I only came along because Angel tricked me with sweet promises."

"It must have worked," Evelynn jokes.

"I think she is hurt because I decided to leave, she wanted to talk to me before we left but I always ignored her - Angel warned me that Illiya would try to guilt trip me out of it."

"Sounds like two sisters battle for their own brother's affection."

I lift my shoulders, "Angel did more than Illiya ever would."

"Just think about how Illiya feels," Evelynn suggests, "Maybe all of this is out of spite."

"It probably is," I nod.

We reach the apartment, I wave to the two of them and knock on the door. It opens to reveal Illiya wearing her hair in a loose style, different from her usual professional look. She gestures for me to walk in but doesn't greet me.


"Hm," she greets back in her own way, then asks, "Want something to drink, or are you not staying long?"

"Just want to talk."

"Should I listen?" she asks me, "You didn't bother giving me that chance."

"Then just send me away," I don't want to play these silly games.

She walks to the counter, the kettle was already boiling and she was busy making herself a cup of something, "Sure you don't want something to drink?"

I nod.

She then fixes her a cup of coffee and finally turns to me, "Let me guess, without a legal Guardian here you want me to appoint you a new legal Guardian so that you can stay with your pals."

"Sounds like you planned on it already," I breathe out, "What's next? Going to make it even harder on me?'

"You sound like Angel," she says with a furrowed brow, "I am not a monster, (Y/N). Angel likes to pretend that I got in the way of everything she ever wanted to do but she was the one that got the most choice in her life."

"So we are going to rid me of my choice?"

She shakes her head at me, "Be angry at me, I don't care. I am just responsible for you but Angel thought it would be a smart idea to leave you alone for some odd reason," she then asks me, "What if you needed someone to sign your medical? If you got into an accident and there was nobody to give the permission?"

I don't answer, "There are even more things that go with it."

I then ask, "How'd you even know?"

She doesn't answer in turn. It feels impossible to talk with someone that knows they are right and the worst part is that they are probably right no matter the case.

She then says, "I am willing to assign someone else as your Guardian. I believe in giving someone a choice even when you shouldn't. So feel free to send them my way."

"And you being needlessly critical?"

She smirks at me, "There is one here already, you came prepared."

I head to the door, "I'll send him up."

"Good luck with that," she says in a snarky tone.

I walk out of the building as I then meet Jake, "You can go talk to her if you want," I suggest.

He pats me on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I have been doing these kinds of things for Evelynn for a long time - our parents aren't exactly around to I got to be a big brother and I don't mind being one to a complete stranger."

I chuckle, "Thanks, Jake."

"No worries," he then walks up to the door, at least he did try to dress to impress.

But Illiya isn't going to let anyone through, the illusion of giving me a choice is what she believes in.  I then walk up to Evelynn who looks at my expression, she steps forward wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"I should be upset more if you are just going to hug me without complaints."

"It's hard watching someone else go through these things," she breathes out, "It gets hard for everyone sometimes and often it is just too hard to deal with," she pulls away quickly creating distance between us.

"Sorry," she looks at me, "I haven't been paying attention to anyone else, how are you feeling?"

"Fine," she flashes a weak smile, "Just... close to giving up honestly. The hug was for me."

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