139 - Worry

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***   Evelynn POV   ***

It will majorly just come down to what we really expect to come off this - I can't really go into it expecting anything and can't really go into it with demands. This isn't just some skit on how to get famous and keep that fame.

This is old friends and lovers meeting up for the sake of meeting up. I know that Ahri has something planned and I just know there is no possible way that (Y/N) isn't sitting on the other side with a similar idea.

It makes sense.

Kai'Sa as a choreographer, (Y/N) produces the songs, Ahri and me on vocals, then if Akali can be found then there is rapping sorted out. Would be a good group with four people that has enough credibility to carry this thing on hard work alone.

Not like any one of us is bad to look at either - most of the time if the music is good they don't give two shits but we just happen to be four very attractive people and then there is (Y/N) and nobody really cares cause he is a dude.

Well if we are speaking from a public's pov - he is good-looking enough as to people won't start freaking the fuck out thinking that he is paying us under the table to work with him like some despicable ugly bastard.

Then there's media.

Media is going to eat this shit up.

What genre? Pop? K-pop? The easiest one would be the latter, both me and Ahri are multilingual since school. No way Akali isn't either coming from a cult of ninjas and then Kai'Sa travelled everywhere so she definitely has some knowledge.

It would explain stage presence.

I hear my phone interrupting my thoughts in my bedroom, running my fingers through my hair I finish washing before leaning against the wall and letting the water drip on the floor.

Why am I thinking so much about this?

Pushing myself away I grab my towels and start drying myself on my way to my phone to return the call, "Ahri?"

"Eve," she sounds happy, "Ready for tomorrow?"

"Was thinking we call it off, actually."


I snort, "Your disappointment noises are cute," clearing my throat, "Yeah obviously, I wouldn't miss this for anything unless there is a multi-billion deal on the line. Lucky for all of us I have been ignoring a lot of those promises lately."

"The diva doesn't want to be chained down?"

"Speak for yourself," I shake my head, "Aren't you the one wanting to get out of the industry's clutches?"


I then try to dry myself while I stay on the call, "Well - no need to worry about any of the specifics going in. Had a lot of time-"



"Why sound frantic," she giggles, "Just focus on meeting everyone again and then we can focus on the music industry - or are you trying to keep your thoughts busy because you don't know how to talk to anyone again?"

"I am perfectly capable of talking to them," I roll my eyes.

"Hm mhm, I am so sure that is why you are overthinking everything."

"Not overthinking, just taking it into consideration," she tries to speak again as I breathe out, "You can stop, really."



"Evelynn," she giggles.

I breathe out with a chuckle, "You really are annoying this late into the night. Go to bed - don't want to swing by and pull you out of bed, we are going early tomorrow to meet them."

"I know, looking forward to seeing them again."

"Yeah," I nod, "Talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Hanging up already?"

"Go to bed," I cut the call as I toss my phone on the bed.

Getting dressed in my nightwear I walk through the apartment heading straight for the fridge to get myself something to eat - I wonder how it is going to go. Is it going to be like picking off where we stopped? Or starting over?

Don't think I can start over, that would just make everything awkward. 

*** Normal POV ***

Clearing the last bits of trays and dumping them in the garbage, I notice Kai'Sa watching me with a faint smile, "What?"

"Hm mhm," she shakes her head, "Just really happy seeing all of you - even happier to know that I get to see the other two tomorrow and it will be all five of us back together again."

I then add, "If it doesn't go bad."

She says, "I don't think we could forget or go back to a before," she adds, "Too many good feelings between us - it kinda makes it hard considering how to go about it. Can't really start over either."

I nod, "Wouldn't work."

"So I just go about it I normally would - though I may have been a bit too forward with Akali," she chuckles.

"Having fun teasing her?"

"Always liked it," she admits.

I then ask her, "How was it over there? Where were you by the way?"

"South Africa," she nods, "Been there for a while now and I finished the last bit of things - got a cute little nickname from the locals over there," I look at her, "Bokkie. Though in context it's more something you would call someone you love."

"Then why call you that?"

"Cause it's cute," she pouts.

I snort, "What's the language?"

"Afrikaans," she nods, "Some of the locals over there describe it as a bastardized dutch. Then there is skattebol, and... uhmm."

"Trying really hard to think there."

She chuckles, "I can speak it, not fluently though," then stating, "But I have been mostly waiting to come back and see what I can do here again - so I hope we can figure out something between the five of us."

"We will," I walk towards her resting my hands on her shoulders.

She rests her head against my chest, "I'm so tired."

Akali then walks in, "Tired?"

She nods, "Hm mhm, so whose bed are bunking in?"

"Mine is the biggest."

"That settles it~" she climbs out of the chair, "Going to go take a shower and then I will see you two in a bit."

Akali watches her with a furrowed brow, "She has to be doing this to me on purpose right?" she looks at me, "Right?"

"Heard she was teasing you."

She nods with an annoyed stare, "Made it sound like she was really going to go down on me at any moment if I didn't keep my guard up and now she just wants to go to bed because she is tired?"

I chuckle, "She did fly far to get here."

With a nod, "I know..."

"You really sound disappointed."

"Not disappointed," she walks away from me, "Not going to let you bully me as well - didn't come back for this."

I snort as I follow her up the stairs, "Know that I love you, right?"

"I know," she then turns towards my bed.

As we turn into my room I can hear the shower running, "See that she had the same idea I had."

I drop down on my bed rubbing my eyes as I chuckle, "There are like seven-bathroom in this entire house and everyone is using mine?"

"It's so big though..." she climbs on top of the bed next to me.

"Not going to complain," I groan as I stretch my limbs with a loud yawn, "I can pass out any moment now."

Considering everything? This is going far better than I had expected.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now