034 - Critical timing

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The four of us drop down into the seats of the empty room, fixing up the files I collected with some questions and suggestions that I add to the pile in the middle. Tracey and Theo glance at each other for a brief moment before Ahri clears her throat.

"Shall we start with our class?"

Theo nods, "Please."

I start with my info, "A lot of people are keen on visiting a long way from here. It is just a little expensive with beautiful cabins with a lot of snowy mountains, ice drinking and such. It is more of a tourist site but they allow groups to come in and rent it for a week and a half at most - pricing is manageable if we have the school let us use their name and publicity to give it good ratings."

"I can have a talk with one of the teachers about it but a lot of people are leaning towards it in our class - we are nearing a deadline though seeing as the place is fully booked except for somewhere a month from now so it is a do or don't the situation."

Ahri adds, "I have checked their websites, there are plenty of activities for everyone to take part in where we can hire an entire hostel. As for everything else we can rely on funds from students to pay for their own thing."

Theo then suggests, "We might have to get a schedule if we are going to take that-"

"Way ahead of you," Ahri smiles, "I already looked it up and with our stay, we have a package that includes access to a lot of things. Rentals, stores, and free entry to a lot of the attractions as the place and attractions are owned by the same group."

Tracey then smiles, "I will run it by our class - a lot of ours have mentioned the same thing but most of them are keener on hearing what we can come up with rather than being forced to do something they don't want."

"Then we twist it in a way to make it look like it is our plan."

Ahri nods, "Let's just get a timeline and plan for it, (Y/N), mind calling them quickly to see if we have a date?"

Doing as I am told as the three of them break into a conversation about further planning for things later this year... it looks like this is going to be mostly on me so I better not disappoint.

***    ***    ***

The other two left, Ahri, who is still working then remarks, "School ends in thirty minutes, seeing as we already skipped the first few minutes of the last subject - think we can get away hiding here?"

"Wasn't planning on going back," I state as I lean against the table next to her, she looks up at me as she leans back in the chair, "Tired?"

"Kinda. Just not been sleeping well?"

"There a reason for that?" I ask her.

She nods, "Just a little lonely at home - Mum has been on a work trip for a while and I have been trying to keep myself afloat. I do sometimes sleepover at Evelynn's but I don't want to keep bothering her."

I nod, "Kinda the same way how I felt with my sister."

She chuckles, "She never home? Or are you referring to you feeling like your presence does nothing to help?"

"That I was making it harder for her. She is successful and I am just a student still trying to find my way - she told me to come with her while I was still living with my parents and that she refused to let me be controlled by them, then being forced into something that I won't enjoy."

Her smile fades, "Are they that bad?"

I lift my shoulders, "I don't know. They haven't kept in contact with us and told me that if it is what I wanted then I should do it. I don't hate them but I think they trust us to do what we need to - I just expect them to be very harsh if we don't make it work."

She smiles weakly, "You are running from your parents and I just want to see mine for a day."

"Are they?"

Shaking her head, "Just busy. Too busy to be able to be there for me," she wipes the corner of her eyes, "Let's not talk about it actually, the last thing I want is for you to see me cry about something as silly as that."

"Is it really silly?"

"It is," she says, as if she convinced herself long ago, "Grown girl, been taking care of herself for such a long time and I can't even take care of myself? Please."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."

She shakes her head, "I make myself upset, don't make me put the blame on you," she then lifts her gaze, "So the little spaces in between at school spending with my friends... talking with you makes me happy enough."

I then stare down at her, she holds her eye contact as I then state, "If you need someone - it might not mean much knowing that we only recently started talking and all but if you need someone for anything don't hesitate to ask me."

She chuckles, "I don't like asking things of people-"

"I can't really message you every day and ask the question without looking psychotic and excessively needy," I joke.

"I bet - then you are just going to have to pay close attention to me. Just be aware that I hide my secrets pretty well," she winks at me as she crosses her arms over her stomach.

"Then I will be keeping an eye over you."

"Just don't make it obvious," she then looks at me, "Are you cold?"


"You answered way too quickly."

"Because I know why you are asking."

"Then I am not going to do it," she averts her gaze, "It works better as a surprise and not at all if you are expecting me to do it."

"Am I not in your criteria for people falling under that special cases?"

I notice her ear twitch and the corner of her mouth arched upward, possibly hiding her smile from me, "Not anymore," she then turns her head to face me again, "Maybe if you think before you speak next time."

"I was definitely thinking about something."

She arches her brow, "About?"

"You," the words leave my mouth, and the door swings open to reveal Evelynn standing in the opening, "Hey, Evelynn."

"Did you two not hear the bell?"

I arch my brow, "No I didn't."

She then gestures for us two to come, "Well, then we should get going. Today's session is going to be short seeing as Michelle has to talk to someone about Akali's rapping... something about needing an educated opinion."

That was terrible timing. I didn't even get to talk to Ahri about Michelle's question and that moment with Ahri. At this rate, I am going to sit with too many people on my hands.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now