071 - Fleeting feelings

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We are finally back, there was a lot of traffic on the way back so we got home a lot later than we expected. Dropped off at the school mostly everyone has already gone their own ways with the five of us standing near the entrance.

Evelynn then states, "Jake is going to come to pick the two of us," she then looks at the three of us, "You three need a lift?"

I shake my head, "I'll be walking home with Kai'Sa."

Akali states, "I don't live far either."

Ahri then asks again, "I mean are you really sure? Jake owns a pickup and it would be super easy to get you all where you need to go. Just got to hold on tight."

Kai'Sa giggles, "Thank you but I want to swing by a few places on the way back."

I then also chime in, "And I am going to follow her around."

"Fair enough," Ahri giggles.

In the middle of our conversation, someone pulls up with the pickup. He climbs outside walking up to Evelynn giving her a big hug lifting her off of her feet, "How is my lil sis!?"

"Put me down."

"Righto," he drops her instantly as he looks to the rest of us, "Name's Jake."

Ahri then points to us, "Akali, Kai'Sa, (Y/N)."

"One dude and four girls," he lifts his fist, "Man's living my dream-"

Evelynn walks up to him pressing her elbow into his side, he only looks at her as if it didn't even hurt, "I am your sister you freak."

"Doesn't mean I want you of all people," he rolls his eyes, "And you call me an idiot."

She shoots him a glare as the three of us only chuckle at the situation. He is pretty tall, and doesn't look bad - it must run in the family to be one makeover away from being a celeb or at least a model.

Though he is dressed incredibly casually as if he just got out of bed, he then looks at Ahri, "Your mom called to pick you up as well, the four of us are headed out for dinner-"

Ahri lights up, "She is home?" excitement in her tone.

"Yeap, she just got back yesterday."

"Cool," she then grabs her bags and tosses them in the back.

Evelynn then looks at the three of us, "Looks like I have a dinner to attend, be safe alright?"

"Always," I breathe out as the three of them load the bags. The two of them greet us one more time before they leave.

Then leaving the three of us standing with our bags at our feet, Akali then says, "Well, different ways so see you two tomorrow?"

"We can walk with," I state.

Akali stops me, "I would but... they would be watching and I don't get to say goodbye the way I want to - plus everyone else I usually go with is probably going to be there and I don't want the Kinkou getting in the way."

Kai'Sa walks up to her, gives her a hug, and presses her lips against her cheek, "I can imagine them having quite a bit to say."

She turns her head and steals a kiss from Kai'Sa, "Probably a few too many things to say," then waddles towards me tucking her arms under mine and pulling me into a tight hug, "Thanks for the trip~"

"Did my best," I chuckle, she lifts her face lowering my head to give her a kiss.

She pulls away grabbing all of her stuff, then shooting us both a glance as Kai'Sa sides next to me, "See you both later."

"See you, Akali," we both greet her.

She leaves and we then turn to each other. Kai'Sa flashes me a grin before grabbing her bags, "Kinda lied about needing to go places, I just want to go home."

I chuckle, "Just wanted some time alone?"

"Hmm... didn't want to make it weird between all of us," she states, "But Akali is cute."

"She is," I nod with a smile.

"She actually came to me with most of the suggestions, she was trying her little heart out to make everything work and I was just making sure she didn't end up worrying the entire time," then gesturing for us to walk, "But it all worked out."

"In its own little way."

She lets her smile fade, then asking, "But about Evelynn and Ahri. I kinda think it is worth talking about it because Evelynn is showing that she likes you more and more, I don't even think she is doing it on purpose."

"Saying I am getting to her?"

"You don't have to boast," she laughs at me, "I don't know that much about Ahri though, she looks like she is in her own world doing her own thing, letting people know what it is when she wants you to know."

"Even then it is hard to tell."

She nods, "But if you do decide on it, just talk with us first okay? I like them but to make this work we are going to... have to do a lot of things together."

I nod, "I have an understanding of how we are supposed to go about things."

"Good~" she tilts her head into a smile.

I then look at her hair, "You going to let them grow out?"

She twists her lips to the sides, "It is easier to dance without them getting in the way, I might just grow them out for a change but I liked keeping it short. Might just do it for the sake of seeing if I can pull it off."

"I think you can," I say instantly.

"I will have to see for myself first," she then twists her lips again, "Maybe I can ask Angel, does she know much about those kinda things?"

I chuckle, "Anything girlie? She said she hated doing her hair because it took so long, she doesn't put in any effort. Trust me."

"She looks so pretty though."

"Genetics," I state, "You should see my older sister-" I then freeze in place with an annoyed expression as if I remembered something.


"My older sister is in town."

"Is that... bad?"

I lift my shoulders, "I am going to have to figure it out, she doesn't talk to the two of us so something must have happened for her to come all the way to find the two of us."

"Should I... stay home?"

I then shake my head, "You can come to hang out for a bit till your dad comes home, I can't promise that she isn't going to pull you into the conversation."

"If it gets that bad."

If... I am too scared to know what will come of this. But that is just how it works for me, something will always go bad the moment a little bit of good steps forward into my life. It always happens.

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