032 - Seraphine

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"There is this little music thingy happening - the school never had one," I then lower my head to my sleeves to roll them up as I continue cleaning the dishes.

"Why not?"

Lifting my shoulders, "I have no idea. I asked one of my friends who I need to talk to and apparently if we want to ask anyone we should ask Ahri or Evelynn. Those two started it."

I hear him thinking, "Hmmm... that fox girl you keep talking about?"

"And her friends, yes," finishing up the dishes I see my uncle sit as he is reading the paper, "Are you even listening to me? Or did you just hear the name and said what you know?"

"Music class right?" he smiles at me.

Rolling my eyes, "Okay okay. You got me there," then walking to the dining room where my bag is placed as I call out, "I am going to head out so long, okay?"

"Have fun!" he calls out as I walk out through the doors of his house.

Uncle has been taking care of me since I wanted to pursue something else than what was hoped. There is an awesome institute for studying music in this city but this school never had anything to help people and I am glad it is being put back together.

At my gate stands someone with his head tucked between his shoulders glancing down at something. I open the gate as I nudge against him with my shoulder, "Been waiting long?"

"Not that long," he smiles at me, leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek, "Kinda tempted to just hang out at your uncles and skip school but I think he is almost worse than my parents."

"He is strict but cool," I state as the two of us walk to school, "But you get into trouble more often than you should so I am definitely on your parent's side when it comes to not letting you run off and do your own thing."

"Why I have you to keep me under control," she winks at me.

I scoff, "Sure," then glancing forward as I state, "So I decided to join with the music group, just need to talk to them."

"You get to meet your crush."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes, "Are you fine with it, you did complain about it a little bit."

Lifting his shoulders, "It's whatever. Do what you want, it just kind of gets in the way with when we get to hang out considering that it is going to take the space that I have off. But you do that and I should meet you after work, yeah?"

"You are working again?"

He nods, "Need money."

"I mean sure but," I then shake my head, "Nevermind."

"Talk to me."

I glance over my shoulder to see him staring straight forward, "It's not worth fighting about it."

"Then we shouldn't," he nods.

Returning my gaze to the front, I twist my lips to the side. Our relationship is just a shaky one, none of us are really committed to each other because... of a few mistakes. 

***   ***   ***

I awkwardly make my way to the door, I knock on it only to wait a few moments before I see a face that makes my voice disappear into my chest. Almost like a mouse squeak a try to say hi only for her to purse her lips in response and tilt her head at me.

"Uhmm... are you trying to join?" she offers me a smile.

Finally finding my voice, "Yes. Ahri right? Sorry. Hi, my name is Seraphine," I stick out my hand but I have no idea why I thought I was doing it, this is stupidly awkward.

She takes my hands with a smile, "Pleasure and yes it is Ahri," she then chuckles, "We can just stick to hugs next time," then gesturing with her head to come in, "Everyone but one member and our coach isn't here."

I glance around to notice that the person that is missing is Evelynn. There is one new face sitting at the back, lifting his gaze slightly from him playing his guitar, greeting me with a quick gesture before returning his attention back to the guitar.

A girl sitting close to him lifts herself as she offers a wide smile, "Akali, welcome to the little group."

I return the smile, "Seraphine. Thank you, I look forward to doing my best with all of you."

"Just hang out for a bit, we are just waiting for-"

As if on cue, her words are interrupted as I hear a voice I know well step into the room with an annoyed voice, "Alright band geeks. Let's get some ground rules clear so that we know how to move forward without stepping on my toes and wasting time-" she stops in place as I see her spot me, "Sera?"

"Michelle?" they really picked the best they could find didn't they, "I didn't expect-"

Evelynn then asks, "You know her?" the look like she shoots her is almost out of disgust.

"Not like I know you," she shoots a wink, "This little bundle of innocence is dating my brother dearest."

Ahri then asks, "You have a brother?"

I say, "Not on good terms. She isn't exactly... well on good terms with anyone in her family. I never thought I'd see you again and... I am happy that someone as awesome as you will be helping us," I smile widely at her.

Ahri then mutters, "Till she stabs you in the throat," she walks to the back dropping next to the boy as Michelle sides next to me.

"At least someone here likes me," she throws her arm around my shoulder, "I will show some blatant favoritism at this rate," she then looks at Akali, "You are pretty sweet too."

*** Normal POV ***

I then chuckle as Ahri drops down next to me, "Looks like you aren't happy to know they know each other."

She mutters, "Michelle is crafty. She doesn't let anyone know something unless she feels like it can put her above you somehow. Seraphine might just idolize her... sorry, Seraphine is the new girl."

I nod, "I assumed."

She sighs, "Even Evelynn didn't know about it."

This woman brings out a part of Ahri I haven't seen, it comes from a protective side for Evelynn I think mixed with just unbridled hatred that she needs to try to hide. I glance at her as she talks to the two of them with an overly friendly side.

I guess she doesn't need to wear a mask around Evelynn and Ahri considering they probably know her the best... but if they didn't even know this it must mean there is more to be considered.

I don't see it yet - I feel like there is more to Michelle than I know but I can't be angry or annoyed with them. I'll just have to figure it out myself.

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